
Before he murdered 5 people, he was previously convicted of beating his girlfriend with a baseball bat and stabbing her with a knife. But sure, he is the real victim here. If only HR hadn’t made him hurt people just like his girlfriend did before, then everything would be okay.

How many rap artists have a criminal record and songs that promote or allude to violence? Should the FBI be arresting them? Unless there is a specific threat, law enforcement cannot do anything. Being misogynistic isn’t a crime, nor is writing bad songs.  Which also applies to rappers as well as this guy.

He was in the drive-through with the engine running and in drive, not in a parking spot.  The latter would make this a very different situation.  

History has proven it time and time again, making vices illegal only serves to strengthen the criminal element around it.

Yes, I went to the very same site. Try again.

No, I literally am not. Bernie’s single payer is based on the rich paying for it. My proposal was people pay for their own insurance, with the government giving loans for continuity during unemployment. The payment for said insurance would be taken directly out of people’s paychecks.

I just Googled it. There are studies both for and against spanking.

You cannot compare a wife and child. Would you tell your wife she is not allowed to do something? Would you ground her? Would you take away her phone if she misbehaved? Would you put your wife in time-out? Would you deny her desert if she refuses to eat her vegetables?  I would hope not. Yet all those are used with

I like this article/comments. The next time someone says the country should put more emphasis on public transportation rather than privately owned cars or uber-like services, I am going to link here.

The line is where the community is affected and not just the individual. A fire can burn down an entire city if not addressed, which is why it needs to be part of the community service and cannot rely on an individual’s desire/ability to hire the service. Individual health care, not so much. Outside of pandemics,

The only country close in size (with HSR) is China. 

Fire fighting is not a socialist service, it is a basic part of society or any community really. The same with the military. They are both directly related to the community as a whole. Essentially infrastructure. Infrastructure is not socialist.

No, democratic government is NOT inherently socialist. The government is there to give everyone a voice, and help guarantee the rights of the people. Socialism is about guaranteeing outcomes for the people.

“Capitalism is the path to totalitarianism.” Incorrect.

Nothing about AOCs plan is pragmatic, it is entirely dogmatic. Nothing makes that more clear than her stance on nuclear power. If the ultimate goal is to fight global warming, nuclear power is by far the most pragmatic solution (to address the power generation piece). In her FAQ, not only did she state no new nuclear,

I have a season pass for the DLCs, but haven’t even been motivated to load up the game since they released. However, the Turn-based mode has me counting the hours until I can play it.

In the same way that there is no reason why football and basketball players should be making millions while the people working security and concession stands make minimum wage. Do you support capping athlete’s wages? How about movie stars?  Why should an actor get so much more than a grip?

Ironically, this entire issue was caused by black people. Yes, if you watched the full video, you would see that a group of ADULT black israelites were shouting racist, HOMOPHOBIC, and misogynistic slurs at the teens and the native americans.

8k will be good for gaming, but we JUST reached a point where a $1200 video card can consistently hit 60fps. 8k gaming will take another 5+ years. Some people argue the human eye can’t see it, but they are wrong. Anti-aliasing did not become obsolete with 4k, just less needed. 8k will probably be enough to do so.