
Latinos are considered POC. Which basically means not white. If you are saying that a latino is not a POC because he is not dark enough, that would be colorist.

“Are you more concerned about this than you are about women being harassed and abused?”

The reality is that the net result of a list like that is positive.” Doesn’t roll off the tongue very well. Try these.

“It’s generally accepted that somewhere between 2-10% of accusations are false. “

Your post is very foolish. By implying that anyone who supports Trump is racist, you are diluting the word racist.  

But people WERE laughing. His leaked set had the crowd laughing their asses off. If you don’t find him funny, there are plenty of other comedians you can watch. But for many, Louis CK IS funny. ‘Saying things you shouldn’t’ is a form of comedy. Because humans are weird like that. I mean, hell, people falling down is

Because being an asshole to random people doesn’t actually engender support for your cause.  It is like the idiots that block traffic.  You want to bring attention to your cause, not annoy people until they want to run you over with a car.

I dislike cheaters, and I fully support banning people who use mods. However, banning exploiters feels a bit wrong. Exploits exist because the developer fucked up. I mean, leaving a Dev room in a multiplayer game?

The implication that a Trump 2020 flag is racist against black people... is actually racist. You are stereotyping black people. There are black conservatives. There are blacks who support Trump.  Or are all non-liberal blacks just ‘uncle toms’?

she doesn’t feel this cringey need to be bipartisan”

Bernie is so last week, and while some of his fans were a bit cultish, it was still more about politics than it is with AOC.

People also don’t write a dozen articles fangirling, every time Bernie tweets.

The public is a mass of differing opinions and wills. Every one of her coworkers was also voted in, all with differing political platforms. They will frequently disagree on how best to serve their public’s interest. It is up to her to build consensus and convince them her ideas are best, which is hard to do when you

Playing the game’ is literally her job. To actually get things passed, she needs votes from her peers, not from the public.

You have it backwards.  The decline in birth rate means an aging population.  We are at a 30 year low in birth rate.  

What is weird is people virtually worship a representative who has only had a job for a couple of weeks. She hasn’t done anything. Which, yes, is understandable. Yet, that doesn’t stop people from talking about her as the second coming, publishing article after article about her. Some articles even talking about her

When one thinks of religious zealots, the normally Right comes to mind. But the left is treating AOC like the second coming. People are blindly worshiping her as their savior. It is rather amusing. And a little bit frightening, as all religious zealotry is.

That was probably intentional. This is a Choose Your Own Adventure where the player projects their own choices into the story.  Having a lead that is too strongly defined would encourage players to choose based upon the character rather than their own whims.  

So Bezos is soon to be victimized by having his very personal photos exposed? I mean, when the ‘fappening’ happened the message here was that looking at the pictures without consent was basically violating the person. Or can only women be victims?  Or is it okay to violate their privacy as long as you don’t like the

It would be nice if all the people going after Ellen, for defending someone over 8 year old words, would instead focus their time and outrage on those doing actual harm, like this case.