
And young rich white men. And rich white women. And rich Black men. And rich Black Women. And Asians. And Hispanics. And anyone else affected by that tax rate. But not you, because it’s easy to give away other people’s money.

So you want even less people saving and investing their money?  Great idea.

The community accused her of lying, and suggested that a high ranked person was playing for her, likely Punisher.

No it doesn’t. The community rightfully thought Ellie was acting shady, but when they they pointed that out, people attacked them, calling them sexist and numerous other insults.  That was pretty crappy behavior.

How is it sexism? People said it was suspicious and they were right. Further, all there ire was directed at a man. Not someone just retroactively identified as a man. At the time, they believed the person they were targeting was a man lying about his identity.

Why the hell is it Twitch’s job or even right to punish him for a criminal matter? Corporations are not the morality police. The whole shaming and shunning mentality is getting out of hand.

Or “Bring our boys home”.  Love THAT one!  Clearly not thinking of those soldiers as equal citizens.

Because it is a sexist policy. As to men ‘just stopping’, men do not rape. Rapists rape. But feel free to continue with your sexist stereotypes.

Except the Right has no problem with women in politics. Especially young pretty women, so your point is ignorant. AOC is the left’s version of Sarah Palin. Dumb as a box of rocks but somehow loved by her side.

How is it not? All “Stand Your Ground” allows is for you to defend yourself without proving you couldn’t run away.  It still has to be in self defense.  How is self defense not constitutional?

Level of engagement”? Are you a Studio shill? Games have a development cost but zero unit cost. Therefore a 20% increase in price or a 20% increase in units sold has the same effect for the company. So, the fact that there are far more customers today, buying far more units, is a very relevant point.

I Was Scammed by a Celebrity Influencer.” 

Artificial because it is tied to a current socio-political movement. Your point about seeing a movie because of a certain actress actually reinforces that point. Actors are also a trend. While that actor is in vogue, everything they do is gold. But it is because of their position as current trend, so using their

So we should expect the game to be smaller in scope than the game the very same studio made previously, in just 18 months, because they are not a AAA studio? Odd logic. I don’t mind more focused games, but the justification is rather questionable.

Yes, “Why would anyone have different political opinions than me?” is a VERY good question... If you are a narrow minded narcissist who can’t understand that every person views the world from a differing perspective.

Black people make up a disproportionate population of the prison system. They commit more crimes. That means more police interactions. More police interactions means more chances to get shot. So of one race had 3 times as many interactions with police, then all things being equal, would statistically get shot 3x as

A 4000 lb vehicle is a deadly weapon.  One he was using rather recklessly.  He had already struck multiple cars in an effort to flee police, it is quite likely he would strike a person next.  His car was blocked in.  He had nowhere to go, so he clearly wasn’t acting rationally.

“And still, he chose to go anyway, ILLEGALLY.”

So he trespassed in their sovereign nation and was killed for it, and that is okay? So basically you would support the US if it decided to start executing illegal immigrants? If not, your entire argument is invalid. 

Easy. The means of production is managed by corporations with limited government oversight (and often run and controlled by an individual), rather than the population at large. So not Socialism. As for social programs, those are limited in scope and are a product of a wealthy civilized society rather than socialist