Technically a teengager, but misleading as hell to put in the title. It suggests it was a kid. If they weren’t trying to be spin the story to make a point, they would have said college student.
Technically a teengager, but misleading as hell to put in the title. It suggests it was a kid. If they weren’t trying to be spin the story to make a point, they would have said college student.
Considering that blacks commit murders at 5x the rate of whites per capita, Don Lemon might want to rethink throwing out racist statements.
Fucking jumping puzzles? JFC, first Bioware started ruining their games with them, now Bethesda is using them?
Here is the thing.... streamers are being judged by the expectations they, themselves, created. They drew in viewers with artificially enhanced beauty. Sure, it is an illusion, but one they created and profited from.
Pretty racist to whitesplain to a black former president about politics.
Funny you mention historical. Historically, it wasn’t the black makeup that made blackface racist. It was the use to create a caricature of a black person, exaggerating features (lips) and mannerisms. Nuance, however, seems to be lost today in exchange for increased moral outrage.
Consent doesn’t just apply to sex. If someone doesn’t consent to talk to you, and you insist, that is harassment. Reporters are not exempt from the social contract.
If white people were getting tackled by hair-pulls, they would cut their hair.
“last year she was allegedly impelled to work ten hour days at the expense of her studies.”
Why are none of the accused women on this list? Cristina Garcia, or Asia Argento, for example?
That is exactly why it took a month. She didn’t use the rideshare app, so all that useful tracking information was not collected.
Taking pictures is somewhat silly. All that info is already on record for every ride. What they should be doing is making sure the license plate and driver match what is in the Uber app. If not, don’t get into the car.
She didn’t use Uber. She got into the car of some random guy who happened to be an off duty Uber driver. In other words, she bypassed the built in safety provided by Uber, such as the identification and GPS tracking of the driver and passenger.
“ after centuries of getting away with virtually anything”
Saying The Rock should not have the role because he isn’t black enough is also colorism.
The only way you can gain weight, is to consume more calories than you burn. Fat is stored energy. Calories is a defined amount of energy. The laws of thermodynamics ensure this to be true. So unless you are suggesting that fat people have found a way to ignore the laws of physics...
Every race throughout history had dreads as part of their culture at some point. Blacks were just the first to do it in a post-indoor-plumbing world.
Counterpoint: You are wrong.
Never say microtransactions are never not bad, though not having microtransactions are never always bad either. Neither having, nor not having, microtransactions are always never bad, or never always bad. It really just depends on the game.