When you but a full-priced game, you expect it to be the most enjoyable experience the Devs could create.
When you but a full-priced game, you expect it to be the most enjoyable experience the Devs could create.
‘Violent Rapist = person who takes a microphone out of someone’s hand’
Exactly. So many posters are acting like he assaulted her. The dude was just snippy when he grabbed the microphone. He was clearly in the wrong, but people are literally comparing it to women in abusive relationships, rather than calling him out for bad sportsmanship.
Dude/dudette, you seem a bit psychotic.
You are assuming that women don’t pee on the seat as well. I worked in a professional office building, and HR had to send out an e-mail to ask women to stop pissing on the seats.
Or a ‘we want our own hotel floor / gym/ vacation island’ Feminist accuses you of sexual assault for using their bathroom, while filming it on her phone of course.
Exactly. This is clearly a form of oppression targeting vulnerable minorities and other marginalized people. Meanwhile, privileged white men continue to microwave urine in the homes they bought off the backs of those they exploit.
Because, since it is a drill, if they mis-bathroomed the students, they would face a potential public backlash. Something that (hopefully) wouldn’t happen with a real active shooter situation.
“a man who has been accused by multiple women of sexual assault. Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”
There were tons of articles accusing Amazon on ‘not paying a living wage’, and now they are raising pay to what has been touted as a living wage. So, if Amazon employees are unhappy with this, is it perhaps because they WERE getting a living wage and that all the articles were just misleading click-bait?
You can thank all of the ‘journalists’ constantly targeting Amazon about pay, and only focusing on the base wage to make compensation seem worse than it is. It is good for generating clicks, but has consequences. Sorry you have to be the one to pay them.
He didn’t say that at all, the article implied that could happen. He was pointing out the contradictory messages.
“ put a little more effort into being nice to each other.”
The people who bring up the Dunning-Kruger effect... don’t understand the irony of their actions.
“wrote anti-SJW alt-right journalist Ian Miles Cheong” “That is dehumanization, a way of reconceiving your enemies as objects, “
I don’t think there is much millennials aren’t afraid of. I mean, a kids nursery rhyme will send them to their safe space. “If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands” (Oh, no, clapping! I am triggered. Where is my padded room and petting puppy?)
Severance is not a realistic option at this point. Telltale should have fired everyone 2-4 weeks earlier and given severance, but they didn’t, and now can’t. They don’t have the money to play them.
No, it is all pretty simple.
“Only an immigrant, I suspect, would have the imagination and yes, genius, to create something like the corned beef egg roll”