
“White people hoard their wealth. “

Ruining the wedding is an example of dehumanizing your target over a perceived injustice, your actions made permissible by your assumed moral superiority. That is the same mentality that fuels terrorist cells. The perceived injustice they are fighting justifies actions that would otherwise be concemned. They are not

I will accept that defense with a signed affidavit from said monkeys, or Best Buy receipt for his infinite probability drive.

I thought the same thing with the ‘fast, fluid, responsive’ example... Until I got to the second example. And the third example. One is a coincidence. Three starts to paint a pretty clear pattern. This seems like deliberate plagiarism to me.

Yes, very misleading. When I was college-kid poor, I would sometimes give a dollar or two to a homeless person. That was sometimes 10% of my entire wealth. I now own a home, have a 401k. To be as ‘generous’ as my younger self, I would have to hand homeless people a stack of hundreds.

It is not segregation, it is ensuring POC feel comfortable by surrounding them with other students that ‘look like them’. It gives them a safe space from whiteness.

“ and it’s OK to change your mind!”

“Of course if the city had any sense they wouldn’t allow these lot to congregate in the first place...”

And Trump wasn’t disparaging all Mexican immigrants as rapists. If you aren’t a shitty rapist, then Trump wasn’t talking about you. How hard is that to grasp? Apparently for all the sad angry mexicans, really hard. But here you go #notallmexicans

Yes, yes they are. Intersectionality only applies when it fits their narrativeWe must ignore her wealth, education, and power, otherwise we cannot portray her as the victim.

“What gets me is: if you’re not one of the shitty folks they’re talking about, POC are *not* talking about you.”

Yes, please tell me the hell a 30 year old Asian Harvard Graduate goes through on a daily basis. What, did she not have a private dorm room in her $50k a year school?

I have not seen how the boss is an asshole. I read an article slanted in favor of the workers and it still didn’t manage to paint him as an asshole. He is a safety inspector, so it is literally his job to annoy people. And what finally set everything off, is the workers were talking shit about him in Spanish, and then

Apple is a greedy evil corporation, and a plague on the poor. - sent from my iPhone.

Police don’t have to have the arrest warrant in their possession to arrest you.

I would have gotten off the tractor.

You can’t be racist to white people, only prejudiced.”

How, exactly, are Asians oppressed? By being the highest paid race in the country? (By a large margin.)  Just screams oppression, doesn’t it.

That’s great. I literally cannot be racist toward the citizens of any other country, unless white people are in power there. Cool.

“ alt-right trolling campaign”