Rank Race Median household income (2018)
Rank Race Median household income (2018)
“Look at the disproportionate share of wealth that white people still own.”
She said it on the Internet, which is global. To a white person living in Korea, who has no societal power, how is that not racist?
“Are you honestly going to argue that society should no longer tolerate making jokes at the expense of the powerful?”
She said it on the Internet, which is global, and power is held by many different races/groups. And along those lines, is it okay if I call chinese people ‘chinks’? Not Chinese Americans, of course, actual Chinese people in China, where white people are a tiny powerless minority. Certainly I cannot be racist against…
Racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
“review sites like TouchArcade that have relied on a cut from Apple to keep their mobile game review sites afloat. “
Who cares about developing a reusable rocket, driving the advancement of electric cars, or a myriad of other tech advancements. He tweeted something immature! Burn him!
Yes, yes it does. There is a man convicted of three armed robberies, kidnapping, and more, yet he is being portrayed as a victim because he had some tape put on his mouth after refusing to comply with a judges repeated requests to stop talking.
“Take an alternate route to school”
So Jezebel posters are okay with domestic violence now? I mean, as long as they ‘deserve it’. I am sure you have ‘deserved it’ a few times, hopefully your partners are not as okay with domestic violence as you are.
Somewhat misleading article. You are still massively more secure by having SMS codes than password alone. Secure enough for most people, actually.
“This effects men too but we have it WAY easier as nobody gives a flying fork if our pants size is 34 or 38.”
He was a felon, actually, which also makes him having the gun, felony possession. Further, it is not the color of his skin, it is he ran from police with the gun. Law abiding citizens don’t run from police.
Are you seriously comparing a fleeing felon, who was just firing his gun in the air, with law enforcement?
Good example. Dylann Roof surrendered and lived. Thurman Blevins ran away carrying a gun with police shouting at him and died. Take away... Don’t try to flee the police, especially when armed. It doesn’t end well.
He was already a convicted felon. So no, the it doesn’t apply. That is likely why he ran. He was previously convicted of felony weapon possession, and probably would have gone to jail for a long time for a second offense.
Vertical farming. That means plants stacked on top of each other, and beside each other. 95% of the plants would be in shade from the other plants/shelves/misting systems.
Easy. Stop using them for labor. Pull all foreign industry from their country until they learn to be civilized, or fix their own economy. Basically what every other 1st world country did at some point.
He was running away from police with a gun. (assuming the police aren’t lying about the gun, though there is sounds of something heavy being kicked away). Normally shooting a fleeing person is bad. Shooting a fleeing person with a gun who has already fired it once? Completely justified.