Why, because he said the n-word to someone when he was 14? (30 years ago)
Why, because he said the n-word to someone when he was 14? (30 years ago)
This article is not about speeding. Speeding is going over the speed limit. This is about raising the speed limit. Thus less people speeding.
It is the petition to get the show canceled ... that makes it about free speech. Your own comment supports that mentality.
This sounds fair at first, however, should it not also apply in reverse?
Such bitchiness. A negative article about a woman because you don’t like the guy she is dating. What a sad little existance you must live.
Yes, because electric cars and reusable rockets are dumb. Sigh.
“and even family is questionable”
It doesn’t really matter if it was his job or not. He was using words. Words do not constitute a threat, unless he was literally threatening harm. The other guy used violence. if you use violence you can get yourself locked up or, in this case, shot.
Quit with that rhetoric. The amount of people killed by police who weren’t combative, is infinitesimally small compared to the number of police interactions between black people and police. Yes, it does happen occasionally (makes national news), and police need to be held accountable, but it is statistically very…
I just watched the full video, and the officers don’t come across nearly as badly. The woman was driving 80-85 mph in a 45mph zone on a wet road. So she completely earned her arrest.
Abuse is a bit of a stretch. She did the crime. So in reality, the coin flip was either ‘she gets the punishment for the crime she committed’ or ‘gets off with a warning’.
Are you still in school? Because in the real world, that happens all the time, and responding with hostility is not a reasonable response.
You are treating it as a moral issue. It isn’t. She wasn’t fired because she said morally wrong things. It is not about abstract judgement. She was fired because she is a known Arenanet employee and her actions jeopardized her employer’s business.
Every single person here apparently feels qualified to give their opinion on whether Price’s firing was justified or not. Including Price herself. Yet, how many of us have business degrees? How many of us are CEOs of online gaming companies?
Kotaku considers Price an innocent victim of sexist assholes. Which is complete bullshit. Yet she was the toxic one in the story.
This is not the first article Kotaku wrote about the subject. The first tried to paint Price as a victim of sexism. When the reality is, she is the only one who said sexist or offensive things to someone who politely asked a question.
Twice you use what ArenaNet said as facts to make your case. Well, ArenaNet also said the firing had nothing to do with online pressure. She was fired solely based upon her conduct. Stop with the blatant cherry picking.
He was asked a question about his own damn sex life, and you are tone policing his vague answer?
“Holden’s actions were graceless, but they also came across as incredibly self-serving.”
Why the envy? We get weather like that in Florida. Hell, some years we even get more than one week like that.