
Jesus. The vitriol being throw at you is truly pathetic. You were clearly discussing ESPN and Le Batard. Anyone who missed that is either functionally illiterate or, more likely, just wanted to be pissed off at someone.

While I think you’re right, I’m afraid you’re on the wrong website. Neither the staff nor most of the commenters have even a passing interest in actually objectively looking at anything.

I literally only bought the $25 Amazon gift certificate with the free $5 credit.

Are you fucking kidding? Christ that’s embarrassing. What was the gist of the thread/burn?

“I just adore Barthelona.”

FACT. Rule of thumb is a minute per mile. In NYC that is...not the case. :)

“It never fails to amaze me how big the western part of the country is. 

You’re 100% wrong on the demographics here. Other than the moron part.

It’s delicious. Salmon >>>>>>>>> Canadian bacon.

“The new Lion King’s box office receipts will most likely crush those of its ’90s predecessor”

100%. It really is this simple. Either they incentivize long hair by making it a competitive advantage, or they remain neutral on it. The league chooses the latter.

If I recall, something like 85% of East Asians are lactose intolerant, along with 75% of Latin Americans, and 89% in those of African* ancestry. It’s pretty much just those with North & Central European gentics who should even be bothering with dairy in adulthood.

Exactly. The lack of self-awareness is astonishingly glaring.

“And the whole speculating whether he’s a top or bottom seems pretty beyond the pale. When people speculate about women’s sexuality, people recognize that as misogyny pretty easily.”

I respect the honesty of your plan.

“As long as Megan Rapinoe is playing soccer, she will be the story; that’s not her fault and it sure isn’t Lavelle’s.”

And we’ll hopefully (*knocks on wood*) have her on the USWNT through 2027. Suck it, world.

“ I would have pushed them away if they were in my face for that long initially and especially if they returned to my face after I took off my headgear (which may be a sign that I am ready to get up and leave, or at the very least, create personal space).”