
I’m with you, but I take it a few more steps. Perhaps an older man, yelling at a very cloudy sky? Anyways, here goes:

It was insane of him to come back from a SECOND case of diverticulitis. That disease has a scary-enough mortality rate, and leaves many others with a poop-sack for life. I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that signing up to get kneed in the gut by Velazquez would fall under “ill-advised”.

“I like the unpredictability and knowing that they can possibly clip another fighter at the last moment (also Derrick Lewis).”

“She was born a woman, has lived her life as a women, and has never opted for any hormone altering treatments to boost her testosterone.”

While I agreed with you when you said it clearly wasn’t a flagrant—it wasn’t—you totally lost me when you called it “kind of barely a foul”.

This is all accurate.

Just imagine the “freedom bubble” the North would have to create for tourists. They’d probably wait until after the games, and then promptly send every citizen who saw the inside of it off to work camps.

That will *still* be less offensive than him constantly getting to shoot free throws after committing what are, objectively, offensive fouls.

“We played for blood, remember?”

It wouldn’t have changed their number of super bowls in that early run. Tom Brady threw for a whopping 150 yards against the Rams. His MVP award for that game remains one of the dumbest ever given.

I’m with you. I got it for my 8 y-o, based on reviews, and then playing it felt like I was the only one who knew the Emperor wasn’t wearing any clothes.

Man, this whole “darkest timeline” thing really has you down.

It was my favorite until I recently revisited it with my gf, a first-time viewer. Mmmaaannn there’s a lot of fat they could’ve cut. It’s everywhere, but perhaps epitomized with aaallllll that time on the beach with Natalya. Probably a half-hour too long. Twenty minutes easy.

I still love it. 

“Also, will PM link.” 

This made me laugh out loud., thanks.

When those customers account for a majority of one’s sales, it counts.

Maybe not complete opposites, as I still enjoyed the movie. Either way, cheers. :)

I thought it was now common knowledge that if you want to use more than four hashtags, save them for a comment.

I laughed out loud. Thank you.