
I found her entrancing.” 

I like her, and really enjoy Jane the Virgin, but it is *really* tough to picture her as a badass. I just don’t see the edge.

Except that, as a colloquialism, it often is.

Other than comic book films and horror, it really was a pretty bad overall year in film.

I pretty much agree? If you’re going to take Blakkklansman to task, wouldn’t you start with how muddled it is? The insertion of that visual collage—I took as an homage to black “student art films”—while an interesting choice, is not something one does in an a film that’s looking for awards...or to be taken seriously

I can happily (and respectfully) agree to disagree on musicals, even opera. Regarding the latter, I, too, am more inclined towards ballet.

“Oh, he’s got ink? What types of tattoos?”


No, I don’t believe operas are as serious as excellent drama. They can be equally moving, but that’s mostly—as in more than half—from the talent being witnessed. It’s like ballet; the story is there as a framework for the talent. The performance can move you to tears, but it’s not really the story doing so.

He legit ninja-dodged those things.

I didn’t misunderstand you; I knew why you thought i was dopey, points with which I pretty much agree! Weirdly, it’s kind of like The Avengers, in which the thin plot pretty much only exists an excuse to get the whole gang together, but here it’s solely to provide a frame for the songs and set pieces. At least the

“but it’s soooo dopey”

Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again was my Vietnam.

Thank you for sharing. The number of people in these comments who “have seen enough” with the first clip is astonishing and embarrassing. Not even trying to find the actual facts just because it might disagree with your ideology is objectively pathetic.

No, saying that “he didn’t want it” and “takes plays off” is what he took as questioning his character...which it objectively was.

Nah, that was more like the opposite. These punks are trying to injure Neymar. Hack-a-Shaq was all about getting him to shoot free throws, with the odds of those puny humans hurting Shaq being virtually non-existent.

Same. And I always offer people well under what I’d be willing to pay for something I casually want. They say no, I split the difference. They decline again, I go to my true value.

This is a very valuable and enlightening answer. Thank you!

Hot take:

Yes. I laughed into a coughing fit.