
I solved my Destiny 2 FOMO problem by quitting cold turkey. I finished the last season, watched The Almighty crash, then deleted D2 from all relevant devices when the new season started. Seeing stuff like this makes me feel like I made the right choice in my gaming life. 

Also? The worst season.

Bold of you to assume there will be another CI game

...aand there go the all caps. For someone who is a non-backer you are repeating a lot of the excuses backers make on behalf of the company. The reason you think blind hatred is more prevalent is because you are spectacularly misinformed about the project and it’s history. These statements you are making follow the

It may have sucked out loud, but at least Shenmue 3 is a released game people can buy and play.

That’s called Feature Creep, which doesn’t magically turn it into a new game.

On the day before release Sean Murray promised there was multiplayer in the game. There were a dozen other things promised in that interview. Not vagueoy hinted at,but explicity stated “were in the game”.

Basically Sean Murray promised the moon, then tried timidly to walk it back as release day came, but by that point, gamers were in full control of that hype train, and had it cranked to supersonic speeds aimed right at the wall.

You do realize you sound exactly like someone who drank the kool aid right?


I hate to break it to you, but it’s been longer than even 8 years. Like most Kickstarter projects the work actually started before the Kickstarter campaign. Development, according to the developers themselves, actually started in 2010. So Star Citizen has been in development for at least 10 years.

Which is a pretty long time but far from unheard of when we’re talking about developing a brand new, very ambitious AAA game from scratch.

Always bugs me when people say it’s been in development for 8 years.” It bugs you when people speak accurately about the game?

How’s that kool aid taste?

Nice try, but we’re here to talk banana abominations, not heartwarming anecdotes about your progeny.

Not a knock on you, Zack, but if a game came out today with that kind of busy style they would get destroyed in the reviews for looking outdated including here on kotaku, maybe even by you, after you posted this article.

That’s the guy :(

I won’t name him, but one of the people leading the harassment campaign was banned a few years ago from Magic the Gathering after, among other things, targeting a prominent cosplayer and causing her to leave the community (she has since returned, to much rejoicing).

Seriously. White supremacist groups have been advising their members to join the military for training. The military is aware that this is happening, but really hasn’t done much about it.

Which isn’t what happened. They sent an email asking for comment.