
You can’t wave the flag of treason and call yourself an American. Real Americans defeated the confederate treason and 20th Century fascism. Real Americans will not let a minority fifth column of Russian supported racists steal our country. These people are an ignorant minority, over represented in the Senate and

Looks like Riot Games just found their next big name recruit.

While I’m still waiting on a hacking game that is about hacking*, WD2 was still awesome. The characters and missions are all just plain fun.

*Ok, it has hacking in it, but a ton of it can be bypassed by shooting the place up, and honestly, the Marcus I wanted to be wouldn’t stoop to solving his problems with a gun when

I know right - racist shit bag lives matter huh bro?

Is Your Son or Daughter Becoming a Sad Internet Edgelord?

Leafty is now listed as the sole contributor to the site.

According to his wife, he read it almost nightly. Make of that what you will.

There’s no way he read it though.  Hitler didn’t mention him enough.

DeVito, but he’s not human, so not a fair comparison.



Danny Glover, check and mate!

Don't forget William Birkin: The Amoeba Dude Chronicles.

Projection is an awful thing...

Anybody that doesn’t get that is intentionally missing the point.

“Maybe he’s playing a role to keep himself relevant.”

The poorest communities suffer the biggest brunt of climate change, and those poorer communities are the systematic targets of the over militarization of police. To suggest there’s no relation requires obstinate oversimplification.

You bring up a good point - games have been stuck at $60 for over a decade now despite inflation and despite budgets ballooning. For a game promising potentially hundreds of hours of content, I agree that it’s fair to charge more. I’d pay $80 easily for something like a modern Skyrim if it’s done well and has no