
Commentator MizJenkins over at Gawker said it perfectly: When God Himself came to Earth as a human he chose woman as the vessel. He did not consult with any man, including Mary’s husband Joseph, in any way.

Oh and this is just one more example of why we need well-regulated, well-paid, subsidized daycare in the U.S. like, yesterday. I’m honestly amazed people aren’t rioting in the streets over the state of childcare in America.

Lol! Parenting is hard. No one is denying that it’s a pain in the ass to do stuff like make an extra trip across the parking lot when your kid is melting down. Unfortunately, parenthood is not a free pass to make the entire world around you cater to your needs and pick up your slack.

I definitely don’t have angels. Putting your cart away is just one of those things that you do as a considerate member of society even when it’s not convenient for you. I have plenty of shit that is difficult to do with a screaming kid but I don’t really have a choice. I live in a third floor walk up and have to make

build from the bottom up.

If you can’t tell the difference, you are literally one of the most poorly informed people about politics out there. Yes, there are areas where Obama has failed to live up to the hopes of his supporters (drone strikes and surveillance, for example) but on EVERY SINGLE domestic policy issue he has been profoundly to

All this “I’ll vote for her but I’m ambivalent” bullshit needs to stop. If you’re not behind her 100%, then go find another viable Dem candidate and get behind him/her all the way.

Oldie but goodie: CoverGirl Lashblast

Oldie but goodie: CoverGirl Lashblast

Tiny humans in fancy clothing will never not be one of my favorite things.

sounds real challenging. sounds like a real tough time for you.

There is nothing that is preventing you from wearing a sundress or open-toed shoes or sleeveless outfits if you want to. Granted, it is not the norm, but I doubt there is a specific policy against it for the men. Go for it! :P

"Man guys, being objectified is the worst. I totally identify and agree with women on that one. ... Redheads, though - amirite?"

This is getting too hard. Canceling plans at the last minute and watching a crying drunk girl yell ta her boyfriend are equally enjoyable. I can't with this game anymore, you guys. That said, FANFICTION IS WAY BETTER THAN FREE PORN. ya'll are idiots.

We do tolerate it. She got yelled at, not jailed. She has to tolerate our criticisms too, because that whole free society thing works both ways.

Y'know, I don't feel guilty for saying that this woman is a fucking cunt. Can I say that here? Probably not. Go ahead and block this comment if you must. I won't hold it against you.

That sucks. It's crazy how influential things can be when you're young. I wish there was a way I could help you kick that voice in the ass and get it out of your head.

Or we could leave strangers alone. I just don't feel it's my place to tell anyone I don't know to consider altering their facial expression. You also don't know their situation. For me, I glare because I'm squinting to see, no one needs to tell me what's up.