
Allow me to one-up: The head of the SCIENCE department at the public high school in which I teach believes this too. Why is he still there? Because the principal is also creationist.

I rarely need to comb my hair, but when I do, it's when the conditioner is in.

This may have already been said, but my curls have really benefited from the Curly Girl method described on I don't use anything with sulfates (damaging to more fragile curls) or silicones (which can only be washed out with sulfates). I wash once or twice a week with a shampoo by Burt's Bees, and

I scrunch conditioner in, rinse upside down, apply gel while still in the shower, and then "plop" in a tee-shirt. (Hard to explain plopping... Google or go to I also don't use any products with silicones or sulfates. My curls have never looked better!

Lightly swipe horizontally around the edge. A little should get under the nail, but not a lot. Then paint another layer normally to cover the line while it's still wet. Do this with at least one coat of polish, and with your top coat.

Sorry! That really sucks. I can be pretty bad at thinking on my feet, too. One blog I've found really helpful & sane with regards to job-hunting is I'm sure I've read articles on there about how to rebound from an interview misstep.

Some sort of footprint project, maybe? One-year-olds: they lack teh motor skillz. Congrats, by the way!

I tried wrapping my tips for the first time (just with one coat of polish out of several, plus top coat). Even though I don't use base coat, I've been impressed with my wear. Five days with no chips! And this is just a little 99 cent Wet n Wild polish, plus Insta-dri.

This little incubator just LOL'd.

My first date with my guy, we made out so hard I lost an earring. In public.

Congratulations! Quitting smoking sucks. I have totally been there, although I don't remember being constipated.

Mirena! Is super boss.

I just got Mirena, and I am loving it so far. (It does have hormones, though they are localized to the uterus.) If you are curious about copper IUDs, google "IUD Divas" and look for Paraguard info. Tons of women post there about various symptoms/insertion stories/etc. It was very helpful for me when I was making

I would kind of love it, and I know several people offhand who would also be interested.

Corn and wheat are actually common allergens for dogs. I don't know if my pup is really allergic, but we feed her gluten-free food anyway. Just in case.

You get ten weeks? Sad face. I'm back in in-service on August 1st, which makes my break almost exactly two months. I have been staving off the boredom by acting like a housewife, but next week I'll be back in school to paint floor-to-ceiling map murals in my classroom.

Aw, congrats!

You could always teach! Lots of holiday time and warm, fuzzy making-a-difference feeling. Also sleepless nights and supreme frustration.

Anyone here have Mirena?

Good for you for walking out.