
Fuck, Facebook is the same way. I have to hide Reels because it’s nonstop “hot girls” and the video tab is useless because it’s all barely veiled porn.

I avoid everything he touches like the fucking plague. Hilariously, do you know how actively bad you gotta be to run to fuckin Mark Zuckerberg?

It also had a ready base of users just like Google+. Just because we have accounts doesnt mean we use it. It also shows how much Twitter traffic is bots.

Very true. Companies that ignore EU regulations and FTC security safeguard agreements are even worse

I just want to see people I follow. My feed is full of random people and accounts I don’t care about, so I won’t use the app.

Anything Zuckerberg is actively bad for you.

When I open the app, it’s a wall of influencers and brands posting the most boring things possible. What gets engagement on Instagram (people being hot) doesn’t make for good content on a text-based app (being smart or funny). They really need to change the algorithm to serve up good content, not content from people