
When they grow a pair and book a home at home with VCU then they’ll be real champs.

Stevens is the truth. I remember when the Warriors got Kerr, I was HYPED. But before that, when the C’s got Stevens, I nodded my head like, “that boy gon’ be good.”

The Celtics have no one on the roster making anywhere close to the max, have one of the youngest teams in the league (#5), and their single all-star wouldn’t have sniffed the game if he played in the west ... and if they’d won one more game, they’d have been the three seed.

Brad Stevens is a very good coach.

+1 voucher

Full Circle is not a cult. They’re just an intentional spiritual community with a charismatic leader

I’m like, 12% jealous, 88% this guy’s a tool.

I am just saying that if I was trying to convey information to people and compare two things I would use the same units. Who cares how the information is reported, and if that is the case why not just say the weight of the Trailer in pounds? Either way it would just be nice if they were in the same units.

This is legitimately adorable, Madeleine.

I really wish you could unpost this. I get that people are shitty and say shitty things and it's click-worthy, if not news-worthy, to report on it. However, I just wish that all the shitty responses that people posted self-righteously about suicide being the "cowards" way out didn't garner ANY attention...least of all

Couldn't help myself

BMW E46 M3 Convertible, hard top, Imola Red, black leather interior, CSL 19" rims and upgraded Brembo brake calipers/rotors. Affordable enough used, the practicality of a coupe, with the sex-factor of a convertible. I would steer away from the SMG models unless they're low-mileage and well-maintained. If the clutch

As a runner, this article bothers me. Who cares if these people ran rouge? Seeing as you don't have pictures of them with medals, are you SURE they took medals at all? I want you to find me a person that ran legitimately and didn't get a medal because they were out of them. I probably still won't care about this,

Very interesting link. I think that for some couples who are able to invest the time/money in charting and monitoring that might be good option. For a majority of couples though, I think it is a stretch to expect that level of dedication and investment when there are a plethora of easier and more cost effective

If passing out behind the wheel is a possibility you shouldn't be driving.

Thanks for demonstrating once more that the worst thing about BMWs are the people inside of them.

The Tallahassee Police Department has a reputation for going after FSU football players, not covering up for them. I practice criminal law in Tallahassee, and there is no love lost between TPD and the FSU football program. Players are not necessarily targeted (except Janikowski, who was totally targeted), but they are

To be fair, George Zimmerman did call the cops. Trayvon was beating his head into the concrete when George shot him. This case is much different.

If any tuner could build a better car than Dinan, they would. But they can't. Dinan builds the best and everyone know's it. The fact that you don't feel like it's a good value, means nothing. That's just, like, you're opinion, man. Dinan has many loyal customers that love their products and are HAPPY to pay a