
The likely reason for a refusal is that she is too heavy to operate on safely. If she would do better and eat less, they would likely approve.

Wow! Way too much sympathy for the third letter here! That was really good advice and I think you're missing the point. Sounds like the letter writer is a notorious complainer and a TAKER and her friend was trying to honestly let her see the light. Improving your looks because you're fat and ugly is not easy to do but

It's all fun and games until sleepover time and "Timmy" the tranny double penetrates "Jimmy" the Scoutmaster while "James" does a dookie all over the American flag and then someone puts it up on YouTube. This is a whole another Bengazi situation waiting to blow up. Mark my words, this is creating a storm of Homosexual

Sorry but the female coming home with him willingly then giving oral sex to him, willingly again, does not add up. There needs to be punishment above simply filing a false police report for anyone who makes up rape charges.

Ball movement is good, but you can't measure the "quality" of a pass with this graphic. You can make 8 passes, but if they're crappy passes, it does nothing. A good pass is to someone who is open who either shoots the open jumper or drives and scores or kicks the ball out to an open player. It's pretty simple.

This just in. Life isn't fair. If Danica were a male, she would not get near the sponsorship money that she earns currently. That's really the point he's trying to make. Is she a race-car driver? Yes. Is she a sponsor's wet dream? Yes. Is she deserving of all the attention she gets relative to her level of success?

Ok. He made a really tasteless joke to troll someone once. And even though he is known for controversy it was too much. But it wasn't really that bad.

Ever heard of irony?

What part of my argument do you disagree with? The CTS is a very good car. But it's not up to BMW/Audi/Mercedes-Benz standards. BMW's 535i is quicker and has an under-rated 300hp engine, a better interior and higher resale value. For a very similar base price. How is my comparison/assessment incorrect or wrong?

What do you drive?

The family has instructed their lawyer to stop and it's looking more and more like there isn't sufficient evidence to prosecute, and that the witness isn't willing to prosecute. Why is it considered journalistically acceptable to infer to the accuser as the victim, inferring that he is guilty? I'm disgusted by the

It's just too bad that valid rape claims are hurt by someone looking for attention/payday. That’s clearly what this is about. If there was real evidence, he would be prosecuted. Simple as that. Further, all witnesses corroborate his story, not her story. Why is it always assumed the male is the rapist, even when the

If someone is lying about a rape and this can be proven, the punishment should be equal to that of an actual rapist. Fake rape reports hurt the accused and also make it more difficult people to be believed when real crimes have been commited.

It's likely that she lied about the entire thing for attention. It's not helpful to spread lies! Srt

BMW's are not for everyone. It sounds like you don't have the means to keep them running properly, and I would understand your switch to cars that have lower operating costs and less prestige/class/style.

Seriously what do you drive? Because you have no idea what a good car feels like if you really believe Cadillac is in the same LEAGUE as BMW/Audi/Mercedes.

That's a tennis ball.

Flight attendants are weird. I've flown since I was a kid, they have gotten worse. Always flew coach with family, United Airlines. Some are nice, have given me magazines to read, extra clean pillows and visits with the pilots (pre-9.11) and others have hit me with the beverage cart and looked at me annoyed. Too