This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
She was 18. If you give it some thought, you’ll realize that “teenager” is a pretty solid answer to “why would you do something that stupid?”
He’s just a red-blooded American man, Goddamnit, he couldn’t help himself!
I really can’t understand why someone needs to use the same verb 3 times.
We need to learn our lesson and do more to save the white male! What fools we’ve been!
If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.
Again, I would like to apologize for this getting out of hand
Probably because he absolutely knows it’s best for the country, including all those that voted for him. And he’s a decent person.
As soon as Clinton and Obama reached out to Trump, his manic desire to be loved by everyone immediately kicked into gear and he began walking back many of his previous positions- on deportations, on the prosecution of Bill and Hillary, and on his language concerning undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed…
Learn how a bill becomes a law.
Wow Reince Priebus! What a political outsider! Trump’s base hasn’t been bamboozled at all! I’m about to get drunk for the 6th consecutive night!
Listen, Trump is a fucking monster, but “defiling” the Oval Office? Do you know how many fucking assholes have sat in that office? Slaveowners, genocidal maniacs, warmongers, racists, bigots... I don’t fucking want Trump to be president, but let’s not get precious about the sanctity of the office of the President and…
white women*
The people who benefited economically, politically, and socially from mass incarceration (predicated on the drug war that was sustained largely through marijuana prohibition) were white, and so are the majority of those benefiting from its legalization. Those are facts which, taken together, are very troubling for…
A former drug conviction could stop you.
The product has been honed by growers over the last 40 years to be completely different in potency and quality than the one they started with, and these criminal networks have also cultivated ever widening base of demand for this product among virtually all demographics, in an economy quite saturated with harder…
ALSO Elsie better not be dead because she is the only doing any goddamn work in this facility. But she will probably be dead because she expressed ambition (wanting the recognition from Dellos from this supposed corporate espionage solve) and we all know ambitious women in media must be defeated :( :( :(
People were so worried in the pilot that Thandie Newton was being wasted. I knew something good was coming for her. You don’t have Thandie Newton unless you have grand plans for her, durnit!
Nice to see Huma has finally sworn off Weiner for good.