
Have you sought professional help and guidance? Unfortunately, you can not change other people and how they respond, however you can work on you and how you respond and cope. It may cost money depending on insurance/lack of, but they payoff is well worth it. Perhaps you can inspire rest of family as well. Sorry for

Sorry for your loss. Try therapy, for the both of you, when ready.

There are plenty of people willing to pay athletes. Booster or other type of events. I’m sure they D1 can come up with a plan with a floor amount to pay the athletes. The boosters and corporate sponsors could share some kind of profit and/or just be thrilled with paying money so that their local sports team does well.

Why not make a competing league that is comprised of 18-23 year old athletes in major hubs where professional sports play? Fields will be a challenge, however, could use local stadiums? idk. But something to brainstorm off of.

What I don’t get about stopping abortions is: who will take care, fund, and raise the child? It becomes a larger society problem later. Can’t we just provide free UIDs to all women that want it? Not saying all children that would be aborted will be costly to raise, but a majority will, to society?

the real question is - washing genitals and butt. Hopefully nearly all people do...

Right but the taxpayers pay the bill...not the football team...

What happens, if during that right to assemble, the protestors also exercise their right to bear arms and open carry... The police and the bigot community should be thankful that the protestors are wanting to be heard and not inflict violence. Allow people to protest freely and not display armor. I agree.

And yet they (state) get to choose our election fate....

I don’t agree with their interpretation of first amendment, however, the police usually escort free of charge. The team does not pay for it but the citizens do. Let the police resources be used for other efforts. For a site that does not like tax payer funded stadiums, it should approve this move (but understand not

Yep. And when do we bring our pitchforks to go after the fighting Irish and raging Cajuns, et al? Mines sharp and ready. Neutral object/nature team names for all.

“Fuckingly amazing flipping”