
If I don't watch it, or any greasy ad for that matter, I'll block block away. They're in my browsing space. They're taking my bandwidth that I already paid for. I owe advertisers NOTHING. If they really really want to sell me something, they're going to have to take a brand new approach. What approach that would be, I

Then by your definition... using adblocking software while browsing websites is unethical... turning the channel on a TV or walking out of a room when a commercial comes on is also unethical... Fast Forwarding a video to skip an ad would be unethical... because the SAME EXACT arguments you tried to make can also be

Anyone who does youtube as a job, is doing something wrong.

As someone who gets revenue from their video's ads, I'm fine with people blocking them. If they are blocking the ads, it means they have no interest in anything advertised and wouldn't click on them anyway. Keeping the ads on would only be annoying and drive people away from my content. If someone actually has