No it inherently takes 12+ years to come up with an alternative or improvements to the Affordable Care Act. In the meantime, you just need one party to maliciously chip away at what made it barely workable while the other party folds their hands and does nothing to actually push closer to single-payer like the rest of…
The other thing to note here is that this type of speed is not sustainable or scalable. You can’t have everyone working flat out like this all the time or process everything like this, but when it is really important, you can pull out all the roadblocks.
And here it is, and they are. There are many Antichrists and Trump is as good an example as I can imagine.
One bald lie and inconsistency that’s not been held up to the light to my satisfaction by the journalists was his assertions during the campaign that he knew Vladimir Putin, that he’d been on the same talk show, that he’d hosted Miss Universe in Moscow, and well you know... But since the campaign and the collusion…
I’m reading ‘Fear’ by Bob Woodward, and what you wrote is somewhat true according to the book, that he has these beliefs in his head that he can’t move away from, that his advisers and Cabinet can’t shake or dissuade him from. He for example believes that trade deficits are bad, that the U.S. is getting screwed by…
One time I told an evengelical relative : “If the Antichrist came to earth today, you fundamentalist christians would fall over yourselves to support him”
“The best they can approximate such care and compassion is, functionally, noblesse oblige.”
i have made that comment. when i call him the devil, im not just being dramatic. I think his behavior, his enabling of bigotry and malice, his cowardice coupled with his bullying, his small minded nationalism, the narcissism and materialism, the classless artless creations, the vulgar, hateful words.. If the devil…
Amen. A lot of people have blamed the press failures on archaic concepts of journalism (“oh we can’t keep up with this raging media genius! “), but someone needs to point out to me what journalistic principle is violated by pointing out when someone has a track record of lying, or of making token gestures which have…
Yeah, that’s why all the news organizations need to take a large portion of the blame for his presidency. If they would’ve just ignored his dumb ass, we probably wouldn’t be here. He wasn’t even a “serious” contender until every news outlet began airing all his rants.
Knowing the church my family grew up in more or less unanimously voted for that fuckface keeps me from visiting it more often than I have to (major holidays). Although I thought about just adopting some of Trump’s colorful language at the potlucks. “What? You guys voted for these sentiments! Mrs. Jenkins, you can’t be…
Trump is definitely a narcissist. And narcissists view any attention, positive or negative, as validating their worldview: “people (love me/ jealously hate me) because *I’m so important*!”
Because you have to be credulous and slightly dumb to be a fundamentalist of any religion. Smart people can be religious but they will question and study and derive whatever they need to derive from it.
I disagree, slightly. Yes, he’s a narcissist, but he absolutely knows he’s lying. It’s just that (a) he doesn’t care about truth, and (b) because of his narcissism, he’s convinced he’s so much smarter than the people hearing the lies that he can put one over on them, every time.
I think this perfectly captures my belief here, certainly the feeling of my experience.
> He hasn’t changed a thing since graduating from punchline to president. It’s been clear for decades that Trump was both an asshole and a dummy; this is now a problem not just for the odd unlucky cocktail waitress and his staff of cheesy apparatchiks but literally every person on earth.
Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.
I’m struggling hard with Katz’s defense of the Womp Womp being funny to the degree that I’m wondering should I watch it in full. Because in that case you can’t argue everyone should find the situation funny as it implictly acknowledged what a horrible was said.