
i hate that song sooooo much

Idk if it's my irrational love for "We Found Love" and Britney Spears, but I really have a soft spot for 2011. I love that "boom boom boom boom" refrain!

Agreed, I much prefer the second half of it. I especially think the "dolphin" from Where R U Now (the flutey bit) as a constant backing track was unnecessary- it seemed really out of place most of the time.

Yeah, but Lin-Manuel is unabashedly corny, it's all genuine. He told the reporter from 60 Minutes with complete and utter sincerity that his favorite song from the musical Camelot was Guinevere because it has "the dopest beat ever". He loves musical theater AND hip-hop/rap. The sheer amount of references to both art

Yes, it's amazing! It absolutely lives up to the hype. I don't even like hip-hop or rap all that much and I'm obsessed with this cast recording.

I actually was though, I first heard about dancehall listening to Bieber's new song Sorry. Nice to learn about where it came from!

I can't believe I forgot this, but: "Gross!! Come out of an egg next time!"


Tbh I only know what a doula is because of Jane the Virgin! I would not be surprised that Jake had no idea. Also, "Vaginal Gandalf" is such a great turn of phrase, I'm glad he didn't.

Why are the reviews for Quantico always so so late? I've been refreshing the site all day and didn't see it come up till I got home from work. I get that the reviewer doesn't exactly love this show, but it's frustrating, especially since it's most exciting to discuss it within a couple hours of watching.

No appreciation for Rosa's line delivery/facial expression when she said "I love being a mentor"?

I've got a weird combo of people! Nora Ephron, Jodi Picoult, Malcolm X, Ho Chih Minh, and Pol Pot. Also, Anne Boleyn was beheaded on my birthday, and the Senate voted to ratify the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo to end the Mexican American War, which is a random fact I remember from my AP US History class. Oh, and the

Also I really need to know where Mindy's Bart Simpson tattoo is located.

"You must have seen each other at the festivals…you know, when you push the lantern…in the water…”

I thought I was the only one who thought he looked just like him!!

Definitely not one of my favorites, especially after last week's stellar episode. The whole set up was way more tense and uncomfortable than I would expect from a regular B99 episode. The tone seemed way off, especially when it was set against the Terry/Gina/Holt plot.

This was such a fun episode! It may have been heavy on the sitcommy plots but somehow all of it worked for me, because I'm okay with a little Jake/Amy teasing once in a while. And even Marcus, who I generally don't give a damn about, was fine, just because I love Rosa.

Just watched the episode and it's Binky's ancestors, not Brain!