
What does the amount the country owes matter if our kids aren’t getting proper nutrition and healthcare because their parents can’t afford it? How is that “giving our kids a chance” ? Isn’t providing for the health of the country important enough to figure out other solutions to the debt problem? Like, as I

Well said. Taking away from those in need isn’t the answer to the problem, it’s just the most convenient one for those financially well-off who don’t think their tax dollars should go to help anyone else.

Admitted on tape/video, some clips of which were reaired during the campaign last year*

Instead of cutting “Entitlement Programs” why don’t we set term limits for congress and CUT THEIR SALARIES TO THAT OF THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN?????? How about that?? Instead of taking away from those who can barely get by as it is, no matter how hard they work, why not take it away from our lazy lawmakers who

And Trump isn’t??!!?!! He’s even admitted multiple times through the years about shady business practices they’ve gotten away with. Yeah, Hillary deleted 30,000 emails, but Trump deleted at least 3 times that many detailing crooked business deals then laughed years later about getting away with it. And that’s just’re saying it’s OKAY to destroy the lives of the millions of people, including disabled citizens unable to work like my husband and I (we were hurt on the job working our asses off for a living, my husband was hurt in the Navy serving his country) and who depend on social security disability income