
It didn’t say anything about “his own people,” who are, in point of fact, Americans. The guy was actually born in Harlem, a neighborhood in New York, a city in the state of the same name, part of the United States of America. “His own people” are us, whether or not we choose to acknowledge the fact.

Would you have the same sympathy if it had been Madonna dumping him and giving the same reason? /facepalm

“oh look, I said something stupid and then cried ‘racists’ when people calle me out on my own bullshit” aka every fucking day of my life. Good for you.

Because the power situation is reversed. White guy going into black guy’s shop is like a straight couple going to a gay baker and insisting on a religious topper, not the other way around.

don’t tread on my religious rights to oppress you!

He also raped a woman, which you should keep in mind.

Isn’t that kind of sad that he felt he had to dump a white woman because his own people would shit on his image? I’m actually really intrigued by the Tupac letters because he really was a brilliant mind and didn’t get enough credit for it at the time.

But let a gay couple walk into a conservative white bakery and ask for a wedding cake and you will not see that same level of professional dignity.

Fuck off, dude. Maybe if Democrats actually TALKED ABOUT the issues, instead of screeching about Trump and Russia and Bernie Bros and sexism at every fucking opportunity, maybe if they stopped being shitty little Republican-wannabe children and actually went back to what they used to be about, labor, wages, equality,

I once had some guy who was like, “Man, why can’t we go back to the 1880s? America was basically the perfect melting pot.”

This is how I feel about most of the games coming out today... everything is about playing online with friends or strangers... I’m not interested in socializing online, I socialize with my friends in person, when I game I just want to escape into another world... alone.

I’m sad that there doesn’t appear to be a single player mode. I rarely play multi-player and I guess I was hoping that it at least had AI bots to make SP possible.

I was really hoping it wouldn’t be another Destiny/Warframe wannabe. Screw multiplayer co-op stuff. I want single player RPG’s. I want some Bioware in my Bioware games!

Well, I see Eurkea is looking to be protested by BLM...

Mills claims ‘Police Lives Matter’ is not a political movement.

You know what’s amazing to me. I’ve got feeds for CNN, ABC News, USA Today, NYTimes (national and international), Fox News, BBC, and Telegraph on my homepage and none of them have a word on this.

The two people that blocked off bystanders should be charged as accessories to murder as well. Justice for the man’s killers is great, but a clean sweep on everyone involved is more than warranted.

My point was also that he most likely wasn’t firing at them but fired a warning shot to scare off whatever he thought was there.

Let’s just assume that the “perhaps he had fired in their direction” wasn’t bullshit (there’s no evidence).

Too bad this is the middle of nowhere in West Texas, where people live an entirely different lifestyle to most of us. If he even did fire in the marines’ direction it was probably because he heard some rustling in the bush and thought it was a coyote and tried to scare it off before it could attack his goats. This is