
More than once is too many times, thanks.

Thanks, Slate. Oh, wait . . .

Ahem. Dana Carvey.

And if you're self-conscious about your big middle and your body in general, no one is going to convince you that a well-tailored (tighter) suit is better — all you can see is that a Stop Making Sense suit hides it.

because he is a fat guy (take it from a fat guy)

This is probably the first time he's been on the brutal receiving end of the ideology — I'm hopeful that, confronted by this, his faith in the system starts to crack. (I was thinking he'd have the defector smuggle his son out of the Reich.)

I love it when non-area people have to pronounce "Waltham" and end up with "WAL-thm"

I will be surprised if none of the "humans" we've met already are not actually robots. Draw what parallels you will to other shows, I guess.

Same. But my exact words (which went unspoken) were more along the lines of "Have you ever actually read a book?"

GAH! I saw the 1999 staged version of this, and it was harrowing. (The part that really stuck with me, though, was the very literal translation from Spanish in one of the transcripts. The flight crew was getting wrong information from the instruments, and they realized it but couldn't compensate properly, so the pilot

Gatineau: Bonjour hello!
Ottawa: Hello bonjour!
Noting that the museum of civilization is pretty great.