
“Are you telling me that this sucker is NUCLEAR?”

Tokyo Disneyland has a Star Tours ride, as well. I don’t know what planet(s) it visits, I couldn’t understand the pilot.

It could have taken months to climb those stairs, though.

I’m offended that it says “This Christmas” instead of “This Holiday Season.” I’m calling for a boycott of Star Wars, that’s always worked well in the past.

Yeah, Survivor’s Quest was the very first Zahn book that disappointed me. Not that it sucked, it just...wasn’t Timothy Zahn level literature, y’know?

To this day, I still read Pellaeon wrong in my head, because I was in 5th grade in 1992 when I first saw it and just made it work. I know it’s wrong, but I refuse to change it.  

95% joy, 5% sadness. Loved the original Thrawn trilogy, and pretty much everything else Timothy Zahn has written (he claims an entire self in my living room bookcase, and that’s NOT including the Star Wars books). I am anxiously awaiting my copy of the new book. Sadly, though, I’ve tried three or four times to watch

Good Lord, I love the knight’s voice. It’s got that sing-songy lilt that usually happens in parodies of medieval times, and he’s using it in a serious setting and it works. Fantastic.

I’m calling it now. One of them is Martin Shkreli, who hates space but knows he’ll piss off a literal global legion of nerds by taking a flight none of them could dream of. That shit eating smirk he’ll be wearing when he doffs the helmet on his return will make Richard Spencer want to stand next to him anytime he’s in

So, I figured they had just done away with the idea that a planetary gravity well disrupts hyperspace travel. First, in The Force Awakens when they drop the Falcon out of hyperspace right on top of the Starkiller Base (which definitely qualifies as a planetary mass), and then in Rogue One when they escape Jedda by

I’m a staunch EU fan, and I always considered Kevin J Anderson to be apocrypha. His books are garbage and don’t count.

Well, if the comments section on io9 isn’t one of the last places I’d ever see mention of

He shows up in all three of the original prequels?

Worf : “It is screeching, pounding dissonance! It is NOT music.”

I know everyone hates that guy who invokes the novelization, but here you go anyway!

True. I also wouldn’t rent an apartment as a multi-billionaire. I also refer to the offspring as “my children,” yet I’m not a slaveowner. Apples and bricks, friend.

Well, Zuckerberg’s post does say “I’m deeply disappointed to hear that SpaceX’s launch failure destroyed our satellite,” so he kind of implied he owned it. The headline is a good fit for a lazy article on a social media post whose only source is that social media post.

OK, I’m sure every list article like this has its detractors and gripers, and I wasn’t going to say anything until I got to the freaking cookbook, for pete’s sake. How about a near-future science fiction novel by Travis S. Taylor and actual NASA scientist Les Johnson called On to the Asteroid?

It may have been mentioned already, but I haven’t read the thousands of replies. My only criticism of the film is that, with X-wings swooping to the rescue not once, but TWICE, no one ever says “Lock S-foils in attack position.”