
He’ll play and do just fine, and probably win easily. But it’s nice to see that they’re getting their excuses ready, just in case. This time last year, if I’d’ve told you the Jacksonville Jaguars would have the Patriots worried, you’d have laughed for an hour. But looky here, fellas...


Easy, now. There’s a whole bunch of Tampa Bay fans that won’t say a word in defense of this idiot. We’re just biding our time until his liability outweighs his worth. If he continues to “mature” at this rate, I hope to God it isn’t much longer.

Are interdictors even canon anymore? In The Force Awakens, the Falcon drops out of hyperspace inside an atmosphere, to say nothing of the actual gravity well of the planet. You could chalk this up to JJ Abrams not giving a shit about the rules, but then in Rogue One they jumped a U-wing OUT of a planetary gravity

I’m sad that the Stargate franchise doesn’t have a successful video game component...seeing Naquadah on here would have been neat.

Yep, wondering if it works with the screen off was my first thought, too. Maybe there’s a way to strip the audio out via an online converter, like you can do with YouTube videos.

What, all you anime purists aren’t hot’n’bothered for some CASTLEVANIA action, what what?

I was gonna comment that no one ever called these things carts, what the heck kind of moron slang is that? And then like ten other people did it in the comments, totally naturally, and now I’m wondering if maybe I wasn’t as cool in middle school as I thought I was...

Tokyo Comic-Con is going to be sooo bad for my heart this year...all those Japanese Wonder Womans running around.

When I watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars on Netflix, it helpfully tells me that the show is available until June 7. But it’s not on the list. Where does the information come from?