Star Butterfly

Yeah, I totally meant that as Ebonics! HERP a DERP.

It’s all good, I got the correct answer from someone else.

Oh dehurrr hurrr hurrr you got me. It couldn't be because autocorrect. You so clever! 😐


I agree. Thank you.

She/he said nobody said white women couldn’t wear cornrows. I asked when it was appropriate to not insinuate appropriation. I’m also well behind everyone posting comments as I’m across country from my house and was dealing with the funerals of my dad and aunt, so I didn’t read the part where they wrote “that is not

I'll do what I please.

The girl on Season 1 of Orange is the New Black.

This is an honest and non-snarky question: when is it appropriate for white people to wear cornrolls?

Well not too hard. She's sensitive. But I did teach her how to bee sting us.

I, as a mother, make sure my kid experiences sibling play like punch buggy.

I'm obsessed with things that are lemon flavored. Try them and if you don't like them send them to me.

This has been screenshot and I'm sharing everywhere. Prepare to be famous and popular.

Have you tried the lemon flavored ones? Pure heaven.

Yep. Here’s what one anti-vax mom thinks of autism and vaccines.

“There’s no grading, no testing at all,” Swinton says of the Drumduan Upper School. “My children are now 17, and they will go through this school without any tests at any time, so it’s incredibly art-based, practical learning. For example, they learn their science by building a Canadian canoe, or making a knife, or

I think the more fun part was how all the scouts lusted for him/her.

They should totally have a season of AHS with Lange and Jenner. Get on it, Ryan Murphey!

And Jessica Lange is gorgeous, so we can't say Caitlyn isn't gorgeous, too.