Thank you.
Thank you.
Team Oxford comma. People that don't use it are barbarians.
No, it's not nice looking, but it's still better than what I have. >_<
Um, as a mom to a husky, Rider Strong Next to a Wolf is perfect.
I've screenshot this to share with the world. Pure brilliance.
My wedding cost $7,000.
I think he's referring to Fred Durst from a band I can't think of as I write this at 8:52 am PST.
Which could explain this behavior:…
As the adoptive mother to a husky, fuck you, Durst. Fuck you.…
My grandpa was a Freemason and was in the same lodge/best friends with Ford Jr. He also looked just like Grunkle Stan. My dad has cancer and is now not giving two shits about telling people all the secrets grandpa told him about the Freemasons and working at Fords.
My dog's shit>R. Kelly
You know how your grandma hit a certain age one day and decided to not hold back what they're really thinking anymore?
You know, most artists would be pissed to be sort-of-made-fun-of like Chappell did there. Prince instead uses that very scene as an album cover.
I don't understand why the illuminati has become such a cool and shocking thing in the world of music. It's no different than the Freemasons.
Oh my yes. That ties this up perfectly. You win all the prizes.
I'm sure it's "boys will be boys!" Her special snowflake could do no wrong, she's sure of it!
I'm so glad that word-a-day calendar his mom bought him is being used.
I'm totally for this if he does it Buffalo Bill style.
Killing Kittens doesn't sound sexy, it sounds like a company that specializes in cat killing snuff films. But maybe that's another branch of her company.
Thanks for making ME look like a serial killer for making me laugh maniacally to this comment at the dog park. People are leaving now because of me. Best day of my life.