Star Butterfly

I'm a woman and I'm totally freaked out. I'm a severe hemophobe. How does this work with having a period? I try not to look as much as possible. And thank god for the invention of the wet wipes. There's also times I have to pretend I'm watching a horror movie and it's fake.

Haha for some more horror check out the Facebook pages "Nurses Against All Vaccines", "Things Anti-Vaxxers Say", and my more favorite "Modern Alternative Momma". The latter is owned by a woman who waited DAYS to take her son to the hospital with a broken arm. A BROKEN ARM.

Yup... And I maybe danced when it came on...

Don't worry, it's becoming more and more prominent that pediatricians will not allow un-vaccinated families in their practices. They have to go find their own quacks.

Oh the things I want to do to make him suffer.

I am across the country from all relatives and had no friends here when I found my dress. I enjoyed it. I'm my own worst critic anyway.

You forgot gluten-free.

Do not get me started on Ayn Rand...

Only monsters don't replace the trash bag.

I'll never play the sims 3 the same way again.

What the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension where you missed it isn't me shooting them and that I often argue with the person who is shooting them?

You settled with just litter? Why didn't your friends tell you that you can mail enemies elephant poop? You need new friends.

I won't be too sad when they do. It's his battle, not mine.

They destroy things. Garage doors, insulation in walls, filters in cars, steal horse oats, chew wires, you name it. Why do you think Chip and Dale are so mischievous?

Mostly in the UP and Northern Lower MI. My dad has seen them pull out bears hibernating to eat them.

Well, damn. Sleep with one eye open. :(

Whenever I see such comments, I always share the delightful tales of Albert Fish and H.H. Holmes. Ah, the good old days!

This wouldn't be the first time I encountered this story, however it is the first time I got to read about someone actually excavating at the site and talking to all people involved, giving much in-depth details about the place. Thank you for such a great article, I'm awake much longer than I should be tonight. Such