Star Butterfly

Now I don't feel guilty for also liking the suit, especially the shoes. He's crazy, but the boy can dress.

Catherine, wake the hell up. It's typically those "good" guys that molest little kids. If they were their true selves, they couldn't get to your child, could they? Dear god I hope she's childless.

I'm sad about the part that your mom was upset, not the fact MJ is dead. I am sorry she has to deal with that in her life.

This is another one I like.

First I've heard of it. I missed the chance for a party on that news.

Years, thank goodness, and still funny! Here, I'll make it more "halloweeny" and correct for you.

Meanwhile, another famous person accused of molestation has jumped in to defend Mr. Collins...

The first episode of the new season of Bob's Burgers was last night and my husband purposely didn't record it so he could record 60 minutes and a football game. Grounds for divorce?

Didn't we resolve this question years ago, the answer being women have purses and it's all a conspiracy to get us to buy the lates Hermes/Michael Korrs/Coach/Gucci bag?

I get that here in San Diego. :(

My dad has a whole pamphlet called "Agenda 21 and you". -_- I don't know if it's the cancer or the chemo because of the cancer, but he's become more conspiracy nutty.

Two years ago we bought our kid the xbox 360 with kinect and a couple games. She's played it less than 10 times. The console and six games years before the Xbox one coming out= $500 total. I kept posting it for sale only to here "But I loooove it!" and "I promise I'll play it!" Nope, no more. I sold it just to know it

we bought mini Mabel one of those toys that you see at the doctor's office (with the beads on the bent metal rod) for $50 with all kinds of little doodads on it and she played with all the ones outside of the home EXCEPT HERS. Complete waste of $50.

yeah, many shitty books make it far, unfortunately.

Pop culture phenomenon? Beyoncé is a phenomenon. Twilight is a mormon mom's poorly written wet dream that ruined everything awesome about vampires.

Youre ranting about two people you've never met in your life and facts people obviously don't care about. Listen to yourself. Lol

You seem way too invested in these people. Get a life, STAT.

I need a life? I'm not the one who invested time in knowing why he did it. I read that somewhere for about the ten seconds I ever read about twilight and his work in it. I think the person who needs a life, STAT, is the one ranting about someone making a joke (you, Hun. In case you don't get it, it's you).

in Robert's defense, he really only did twilight for the money and disses it whenever possible.