Star Butterfly

Petco sold this costume last year. Hopefully it was popular enough to bring back.

oh, wow, thank you for this! My mom was class of '81 so I have to show this to her.

I'm so sorry, Britney. No one deserves this. I hope this helps in some way.

I think you all know what I want to say (I lost my gif).

I already did this with my kid.

Laura is one hot mess.

I almost got suspended my senior year because the girl sitting next to me in art class was talking. The teacher thought it was me and sent me to the principal's office. When no one would listen to me I started getting snarky. Being suspended for my snark could have been worth it, though.

MRAs bitch about stuff like this?! Lol! You made my night. :)

Okay, then. Now that I've wasted your time...

I really don't get to watch that much tv, so the only dads I can think of that are "good" would be all the dads on Modern Family. Who would you add to the list?

I was recently back home and my aunt, whom lives in Florida, was also visiting. She was talking about her daughter dating a kid who's half black and she says, "... But I told her she can date him but she can't bring him home to dinner. That's just how it is in the south." (O.O)

"My best friend is a Republican and I'm a Democrat and we get along just fine because our moral values are the same. We differ in theory with regard to the size and reach of the federal government. But we believe, in essence, that people are people no matter their skin color or gender expression or sexual

Yes, they did say that.

I love fish and chips to death, but I think the smell that would be at the top of both men and women's list would be carne asada fries. Amiright? I'm right.

With a six-year-old daughter I always use the "family bathroom" and the handicapped bathrooms as much as possible so it's just us behind a locked door. I don't give a fuck anymore, my child and I's safety is first on my list.

Yeah I read that and imagined a house filled with Pap smear results. I still wouldn't have been shocked.
