Star Butterfly

and if I remember correctly, my words on Honey boo boo were, "It'll be sad when she turns to drugs when she realized people are laughing AT her and her family and not because she has a genuine reason to be on tv."

oh, Hun. I know you're out looking for an Internet fight, but I said it and I'll say it again, just like I said it when gawker and Jezebel praised Honey Boo boo: it's wrong and it's disgusting.

both are disgusting and wrong.

I just finished his huge damn manifesto so I forgot. That is indeed the best part. I'm happy he wimped out as expected.

He does a lot of driving around for a guy so lonely.

Dammit. Forgot.

I was just thinking that to myself. He isn't ugly at all. In fact, I thought he was very attractive (until he talked).

We should put him in a room with that Luka Magnotta guy and see what results. Both seem to like to use video to express their psychoticness. Luka just likes to take it a step further and actually video his crimes.

I could see her doing it in that little old grandma voice. "Oh, sweetie.... No."

"True story, I once called my grandma to tell her that I was having a birthday party sometime in the next few weeks and she said "I'll be busy with family that evening." Burn, grandma! Be careful how you use that line!"

She has EVERY right to feel guilty about a decision she made in the past. That's her business.

I love food too much to quit it.

my dad is now a high functioning alcoholic so that he can cope with the fact he's dying from a rare cancer. My mom is, as well, to cope with the fact she's slowly watching her husband die.

I'm so glad we live in this time.

never liked him for the same reason. He wreaked of "asshole".

A little Freudian slip there, Kevin?

with the taxes I pay to live here, I'm about to declare MY home a church. The Church of Carne Asada Fries.

according to John's side of the family, there were issues before kids were involved. They were both idiots for bringing kids into a volatile relationship.

I here you. I just had this conversation with my kids concerning Rio 2. The horror!