Star Butterfly

they actually both have that face. I think his emotion here was two weeks after we got her and it finally sank in that she's here to stay. I call this the, "You mean we have to keep her?" Face. He is actually a vey good big brother and loves having a playmate. However, they tend to pick on each other like typical

Thank you for your reply. I have luckily not experienced that level of hate yet. I'm sorry your brother had to experience hate.

She's definitely something special.

Siberian huskies like mine don't need as many baths as the normal dog. Their outer coat keeps dirt and ick from getting into the inner coat. He only really gets two official baths a year. The rest of the time, it's just a good brushing, some of his peppermint oil-based flea and tick spray, and he's good.

Atticus the Siberian Husky HATES HATES baths. Our new Great Dane/Siberian husky puppy, Elsa, is okay with it. She's also more open into goin into the pool, while Atticus will not dare go near it. However, he loves his baby pool. They are like night and day.

Lol thank you for proving my point.

Um, he did exist. However, I don't think he'd be too happy with the fact that a whole religion (Christianity) is based around him when he was against organized religion. Also remember, everything written in the bible is not his own words, it's others telling us about him. Followers exhaggerate and make their idol seem

With the OPs permission (hopefully), I'm reposting the part of their comment you oddly seem to be ignoring, whether it's purposely to be blissfully ignorant to it or not, I'm not sure. It's odd because it's the most important part of the comment, not where he called her a pop tart star, which you found to focus on and

I'm commenting to see the reaction to this. :)

I just can't get into her music. There's not one song she has that doesn't bore me and make me change the station. My taste in music is different than what she makes. It doesn't mean I don't like her, I just don't like her particular brand.

He wasn't that bad looking back then. I can see why you had a crush.

I could see a little girl writing this. If it's fake, you got me!

When I adopted my husky, I lost 30 lbs just walking him around. Granted, it's not a normal breed like a lab or chihuahua and I need to walk him at least 6 miles a day, but he has really boosted both my mental and physical health. He's my handsome fur son.

I especially like how it's based on a true story. That's what hooked me.

You know what, forgive me. I think it might be spelled Adolf. His nickname is "Adolfo".

I like how she's sharing her story and not hiding. This is her way to heal and we shouldn't judge her.

My dad has a work buddy who's name is Adolph. His parents live here and are still proud to be Nazi lovers. They don't hide it.

Oh REEEh Lee, now, is that how it's pronounced?

wow! Thank you. <3

*not stupid