Starbury Sneetch

describe the female fighters as "the lovely" Gina Carano or "the beautiful" Gina Carano… something they would never do for men

from now on, this guy will represent ALL Yankees fans. I know better, but this makes it easier for me to pigeon hole. This is far more embarrassing than throwing batteries at Santa (I also combine incidents to make it more exciting!).

@ru486: it only plays songs by The Smiths

@frigg: I just walk back and forth from the car to the door to make sure I locked the house door. Then when I get that straight I end up having to go in the house to check something or make sure I didn't leave something on. Which means I must unlock the door, so after I have "fixed" whatever I went in the house for

@Habs: that's plenty of time for Rick Pitino

hipsteromantic. freakin awww

I shudder to think what these people have done to that poor rally monkey

I once launched a unfunded mission to New Orleans to study the creation and subsequent destruction caused by Hurricanes. turns out it's mostly rum.

Jeez, the sexual tension is killing me. Will you two just do it already!

Baseless Attack On The Open-Source Java Community

@MayorBloomberg: My Jailbroken 3g running iOS4 (with multitasking and wallpapers enabled) is only struggling with battery life. It works as good as ever (as good as you'd expect an outdated model to perform)

@Spartanical: I thought about it, if only to find another way around Appleocracy, to stick it to The Man. but I recently bought the Hipstamatic app and $1.99 for a camera app is something I will do only once. Besides, it's only a matter of time before something similar pops up on Cydia.

#4 is proof that Fez found happiness after leaving Eric's basement. Eat your heart out, Jackie.

@Thirsty Squirrel: every morning I pray the same thing happens to Steven A. Smiff

@26hrcharleston: you are correct. I made a blanket statement. Sorry, but that blanket covered both of the comments I just read. And don't presume others are more presumptuous than you. That's called being defensive. Skim through these comments and notice the theme from the childless people dealing with their friends

@The-Reckless-Tongue: seriesoftubes has no point.Her kids will be with her for the next 15-20 years, pretty much no matter what. Her friends won't necessarily wait for her

@The-Reckless-Tongue: seriesoftubes was implying friends won't wait because not every damn thing your kids do is important. My point was, it's more important than you realize. people with kids have different priorities than those without. There needs to be balance, but it's not the childless friends place to set the

I got a ticket for 72 in a 60. and the bastard gave me the guilt trip. He's had to respond to too many accidents. Seen too much. felt too much. Dying inside...blah fucking blah. I wanted to pay the guy directly when he was done. what a dick.

@SeriesofTubes: see what you just did there? You interjected your priorities all over someone else's. You are less important than someone's kid. A shitty diaper is more important than you. And most parents don't give a shit if you can't understand. We are trying to raise decent human beings. As a father, my job is to

Swimming? New York City?! I know one person that will be interested. At least until it gets too popular.