Starbury Sneetch

I will only download it if it agrees to lie to me for the first couple of workouts. Tell me how great I'm doing and how fast I'm running. then in a few months, sit me down, tell me it was lying to me to spare my feelings, but now I really AM doing great. And I was really fat, but it didn't want to say anything.

Should the guy have been smart enough to realize the insensitivity of asking a black man to tap dance for him? Yes. Yes he should've. As a black man working for NASCAR, I'm sure Mr. Houston has heard enough intentional racism to know whether he was being insulted or not. Why don't we ask him if he's offended before we

I already communicate via sperm

He looks like he was designed specifically to give Spirit a hug and hold him as he slips into his cold, wintry death.

@agentshmalan: He can't do it alone. he's going to need the help of the JoBros

@unimus: Marvin's Six Flags Over Spirit of Adventureland

Not surprisingly, Cydia seems a bit overwhelmed right now. Of course, by trying to load it on 2 devices simultaneously, I'm adding to the problem.

@Standish: Wall-E will be cleaning up our shit for a couple hundred years. no need to rush into it.

here's the rub, sometimes nothing sums up and idea quite like a simply stated : FAIL. But the comment police demand more. So I add sarcasm.

worked great. Didn't give the option to add multitasking and wallpaper on iTouch (like redsn0w did for my 3g), but it's pretty damn cool. And I can add those functions via Cydia. yay

@A Magician Named Gob: The only thing that slowed my 3G after jailbreak was winterboard. After I removed that the speed was back to normal.

@talkingstove: Or it reflects well on the hackers. either way, IT'S LEGAL. Whee!

somewhere in a shady roadside aquarium, an illegally caught octopus chose to live another day despite his overwhelming urge to end it all.

for more fan reaction

@pixelsnader: "Hey, you know, fuck you, man. Any moron with a pack of matches can set a fire. Raining down sulphur is like an endurance trial man. Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in, outside of soccer."

@versatilias: I don't hate anybody either. And I enjoyed fairy tales as a child.

@TheWormInYourApple: Not only are the states bankrupt (I'm sure it's because of the library) the people have little discretionary income. the library is a service. for the PEOPLE. librarians ARE overpaid and pretty unnecessary, but libraries are a vital part of most communities. And those homeless people would be

@TheWormInYourApple: Boston Public library (first? in the US):The Boston Public Library's mission is to preserve and provide access to historical record of our society, and to serve the cultural, educational, and informational needs of the City and the Commonwealth.

@TheWormInYourApple: Here's a random library mission statement : Library Mission Statement