
I was hoping the predictors would be related to the kinds of language that GRRM uses in their passages in the books.

Right? I mean, at the most basic level, they both celebrate female friendship…

Leave out the diss track part and just make a list of all the songs Courtney Love has claimed are about her. THAT would be fascinating.

I read this as "non-Olsen twins" and was really hoping they'd just cast random sets of identical twins in the role. Preferably different ones every episode, preferably twins who look nothing like an Olsen.

I want to lay bets on Jolie's character's "emotional trauma" based solely on seeing the trailer. She had a miscarriage after her husband yelled at her, right?

Also, I feel like they made no attempt whatsoever to make Davison feel like a real character— prior to her death, she just shows up in crowd scenes to look steely-eyed and say "This way!" and "Right!" Had they made any attempt to depict her as a person, her death might have felt a lot more meaningful.

Cecil Vyse isn't in the Florence section in the book. Lucy meets him in Rome, though that portion is described in flashback once the characters have returned to England.

I know. I decided that the Brandi Carlisle made up for it, despite the fact that I think that particular song sounds like music made by a computer in a movie about AI trying and failing to understand human creativity.

This is that mysterious ghost song that haunts one of my Pandora stations. It's at once so familiar, and yet so obscure.

Right, Emma Stone plays the only main character of Native Hawaiian/non-white ethnicity, and concerns that this movie is whitewashed were "premature"? I don't buy it.

Teacher here. If you turn in a paper to me and I figure out that you submitted it to another class, I will give you a zero.

I really can't see how misinterpreting Romeo and Juliet and being convinced that your high school crush should last forever qualifies someone as an "old soul". I've always thought her early lyrics were incredible juvenile— the kinds of things a reasonably smart sixteen year old should have outgrown.

Yeah, personally I can't fathom "the new Nancy Sinatra" ever being a compliment…

Hell, bring back Greg Rucka! Hardly any mainstream comic insiders know how to write badass women with actually interesting characters and stories like him.

Yeah… the series has had kind of a slow descent into some of the worst excesses if superhero comics. It started with a clean, contained story, and then began adding extra villains and complex alliances, had a somewhat unnecessary crossover with Wonder Woman, and now this…

I really wish Greg Rucka had stuck with this series.