
That’s actually pretty good. And I’m sure it’s the hardest thing about relating to a person with depression, because that attack radiates outward to everything that might be helpful. It’s fundamentally isolating and socially self-destructive. It pushes everyone out, and that is, in my experience the opposite of what

Most people have some awareness of auto-immune diseases, where the body attacks itself. If they understand that, then I explain that depression is the soul attacking itself.

I painted this 2 weeks ago. It’s an image that’s been in my head since I hurt my back.

“as if this bleak way of seeing the world is somehow more ‘authentic’ than people who are constantly seeking out mindless activities, trying to distract themselves from how pointless life is.”

100%. Like, everyone else is either a blind puppy or lying to themselves. And you get so ruminative that you think you’re close

This is a very socially acceptable vision of depression. What it totally misses however is that depression has many unpleasant faces. I’m not just talking about the lack of personal hygiene which can become unbearable. It can look like crankiness, impatience, intolerance, lack of empathy. Half the people may cry and

Hmm, we can’ts watch the video to properly diagnose ourselves....

I agree this is pretty accurate.

I have suffered from depression, and now find myself (as a sleep-deprived new mother who is also going to school) prone to low moods as well, so I would articulate this as the difference: previously, I would have described myself as “empty” or “stuck” without any clear direction forward for my situation to get any