
I thought it might be at first, but the kid's hands gave it away for me.

I really hope this is true. I would buy the PoP games in a heartbeat. Splinter Cell I might even buy on principle, to show Ubi that 360 people want these classic remakes as well.

Wouldn't be a Michael Bay movie without explosions and the requisite pretty girl with a vacant expression, right?

I would have thought the shield would be bigger. It's always drawn larger in the comics, at least.

There's too much similarity here for Activision *not* to be firing up some kind of lawsuit. And I can actually see them winning too. I kind of hope they do, even.

As impressive as this new tech is, the rapid growth in mobile technology has me somewhat concerned. I mean, it's great that things are getting so much more powerful so quickly, but anyone with any sense knows that it's software that drives both user experience and innovation. If hardware manufacturers keep up this

I'm glad to see that Notion Ink hasn't just moved on, and is working on improving their device. Here's hoping that version 2 is able to recapture some of the hype.

Fascinating account, Totilo. This addresses quite a lot of my concerns with the "location craze".

I wouldn't try to figure this one out too hard Luke. These kinds of folks are beyond comprehension.

I recently discovered Jane McGonigal via her TED talk from last year. I think I'm in love....

Killzone 2, while visually impressive, was pretty underwhelming to me. I'm not interested in revisiting a game world comprised entirely of browns and greys and needless, overused swearing. It just felt very generic to me, like the developers tried to push their graphics engine and nothing else. If Killzone 3 is

@IcoSotc: What you are referring to were known as "indulgences". The Catholic church did not sell forgiveness, but the idea was that one might be able to purchase a lesser consequence for sins which had already been forgiven. Forgiveness itself was only ever administered by God, via a priest. Abuses of the practice

I would have picked the Enterprise-E over the D, but whatever. Also, I'd like to suggest there be a non-interstellar version of this list, so that the smackdown may continue amongst starfighters and other small vessels. Viper mk. 2 and Delta Flyer FTW!

I haven't seen anything this guy's been in, so I'll have to reserve judgement. He's got the look though.

The headline paired with that shot of Olivia made me giddy like a schoolgirl for a moment. Not cool io9!

You should add "I just canna do it, Cap'n. I don't have the power!"

This makes me wonder if Conficker isn't the first in a new wave of long-term malware attacks. I mean, if you get a virus, the thing pops up and starts reeking havoc almost instantly, so the user either squashes it, or goes to someone who can do it for them. But unless the user sees negative effects of a virus, even