
I would love to take some grocery store doors and install them in my house. Some of the frame-less ones. Then you could point and laugh as someone was walking through to quickly and didn't notice.

@Silica: I agree that actual research and logical thought need to take precedence. But I also believe that intuition tends to stem from observations and reading of other people's body language that the conscious mind doesn't always catch on the first pass.

One of the things I really appreciate that my parents passed on to me was "don't make any decisions if you feel pressured". The idea being that, in the heat of the moment, you haven't taken all the time you need to fully evaluate your options. Salesmen (car salesmen in particular, it seems) know this, and that's why

A while back a friend lent me the first two dozen or so issues of Fables. I loved what I read, but I haven't read any beyond that. This might be a good time to start collecting and catch up on what I've missed.

Wait, so a woman demands he uses a condom, and he denies her. They have sex anyway, and that's consensual how? Either she really didn't care if he used the condom after all and/or changed her mind (thus invalidating the charges), or she was raped. They may call it something else, but forcing anything sexually is

@iheartsoda: I had not heard that certain cuts were more prone to chipping before. Can you provide examples?

I'm kind of reminded of Wing Commander.

Okay, so they didn't "discover" anything. They forced it into being. Ridiculous.

The logical conclusion to this story, is that some, perhaps even all, begin to intentionally disable themselves in order to acquire these abilities.

I hardly ever use an ATM anymore. Not because of this, but because I noticed a while back that as long as I was okay with just running to an ATM if I needed money, I wound up spending a lot more.

@muledogus: I'd really like to know how this discovery could do either of those things, actually. It is genetically unique, no doubt about that. But the fact that it originated here means that it's not alien life. As for it being proof of evolution...that just doesn't even make sense.

@Eddard: Except it can't be alien life because it originated here. The fact that it's unique in it's genetic makeup is significant, but I don't think it's quite the earth-shattering revelation that you make it out to be. Unless I'm just not one of the people that matter?

I was really hoping that this would work with your own music. Then, when I get the Tron Legacy soundtrack next week, I would have picked it up. Oh well.

Rooster Teeth proves yet again how awesome they are.

@Generalthe: I am also a member of this particular PETA group.

This looks very cool. I'm hopeful that Introversion can pull it all off, but there's a lot of pieces to make something like this cool for more than just one mission.

Wait, I don't understand. What's the guy holding the girls on his back for? And why duck down?

Here's what I don't understand. If the gravitational waves would cause the free-floating cube to move, why wouldn't these same waves also cause the satellites themselves to move, resulting in a complete lack of relative motion?

Someone around here must have seen this and given it their own twist. A kid I know found a network with the SSID "ICE Surveillance Van #122" near his home - which is right in the middle of a bunch of trailers housing less-than-legal immigrants.

I really enjoyed the first game once I understood the Djinni summon system. I'm looking forward to this one, but I'm going to have to wait to get it I think.