
@realsnickers: I've always had to wait until the afternoon to get updates, and I'm in the western part of the state.

Ms. Walker makes some very good points, but I wonder if - in our privacy-obsessed culture - the collection of data on encounters wouldn't be vilified as much as the current procedures. Certainly we are more and more willing to give up personal information, but there's also been a sizable backlash against this same

MS didn't do near enough to draw in the fan base that this game deserves from the very beginning. Why would this move be surprising to anyone?

I'm really glad to hear Bizarre has some chance at continuing to exist. Let's just hope that MS doesn't pull another trick and dissolve them before they put out an awesome game like they did with Ensemble.

@enteecee: I would think that a good actor could do some pretty good facial expression to cover the lack of eyes. But here's the thing - it's not the actual eyes that are doing the emoting that you're talking about. It's the eyebrows and skin around the eyes that does it. Given the method that they're using to

I'd like to see them make the eyes completely white in the mask.

@Alchemistmerlin: It's not that black and white though when you take into account extenuating circumstances like the economic situation we're in currently. Maybe you've got room to demonize the guy who accepted a job from the TSA since this policy started, as he knew exactly what he was getting into. But what about

@mrClint: Carmack's good, no doubt about that. But I wouldn't go so far as to say he's the only one who can do it. Just look at Epic's upcoming game, or its tech demo "Epic Citadel". Also quite impressive.

I hope Mrs. B doesn't read Kotaku.

@Alchemistmerlin: Not really. It's the same as saying, "Hey, I've got a job in a rough economy, and not everyone else does. I need to provide for my family. I'm not going to jeopardize that by sticking my neck out against my employers."

@TheDarkWayne: True, but don't you think the humanization of Doctor Octavius in Spider-Man 2 made him going bad that much more meaningful? I imagine if we're given time to get to know Sinestro and he's not written as a mustache-twirling, Snidely Whiplash ripoff, then it'll be easier to empathize with him, making the

I'm generally pretty easy to please when it comes to entertainment - I figure if I've enjoyed myself by the end of a movie, mission accomplished. So it should come as no surprise that I enjoyed Wolverine, Hulk, FF, and the Steel movie even if they are a little cheesy and sometimes don't make sense. But I absolutely

@Doctor_Memory: Point. And I can see how Sinestro's betrayal in a planned future movie could have more impact if we've gotten to know him over the course of a film or two. But I think they could have used the Weaponers or Manhunters pretty easily in the first one, building to Parallax in the second, with Sinestro

@azaraith: Actually, you might be mistaken for a sane clutz until folks started realizing that you were intentionally not getting up.

Thank you Rosa, I don't think I've ever seen a more appropriate hashtag on an article. #WTF indeed.

Any tension about who the wolf might be is totally done away with as soon as she says, "Grandma, what big teeth you have..."

@Charlie Jane Anders: I agree. It's sad, but I can certainly understand studios not wanting the problem of going in the opposite direction. "That came out already?"

I'm not wild about the CG painted-on suit, but I imagine it'll grow on me. Overall it looks pretty cool. I'm hopeful they haven't just used the coolest stuff in the trailer.

@otakufish: I agree, there are certainly things that are true or false only from a certain perspective. But I tend to think that number is far lower than is popularly believed.

@flawl3ss: Oh cool! The way they were talking last night, I thought it was a one-time thing. Thanks for the heads up!