
That was awesome!

These women have some oddly specific ideas about what devs look like. As if they've given it great thought.

I love the Chronicles of Prydain books. I think the time's right for another stab at a movie series too. The Black Cauldron was decent, imagine a live action version using today's CG technology!

Honestly, I was a lot more excited for this game *before* seeing the trailer. I don't know if it's the Uncanny Valley effect or what, but the visuals in motion just don't work for me. The tech is exciting, and I fully believe the potential is there to make big breakthroughs in games. But I think, in this case,

Kim's hot. So was Barbarella. Mission accomplished.

I can grill pretty well. I can boil water pretty well. This means, when left to my own devices, I eat a lot of meat and pasta. I love it!

Just installed B7 on Mac and it's noticeably more powerful than B6. I'm kind of shocked at the difference actually. Great improvements!

@70x7brandnew: Agreed. It's surprising what a difference that makes.

Sony's ads are cool? Maybe I'm not seeing the same ads you guys are, because the non-Kevin Butler ones have always been just weird.

There are four things that I use to determine if I will be purchasing a game.

@Savant74: Yes! And I loved his semi-meltdown rant when he made it to the bridge.

@Gilese: I was asking myself the same thing when watching. Even more, I was wondering why the most clearly hostile of the Lucians was allowed to roam the ship instead of being locked down. Didn't he already push some buttons before and get locked up? And where was his chaperone there at the end?

Eli can't be the everyman character that he is if he's got a hot alien girlfriend. Which is sad, because he'd kinda progressed from the bumbling kid who didn't really know what was going on but got lucky to one of the most knowledgeable, competent folks on the ship. I was hoping that his archetype might not be set

I really struggle to understand the functionality of this app. I keep reading from all over that it's just great, but for whatever reason I just don't get it. Is there some kind of super-dumbed down walkthrough of how it works somewhere?

This looks pretty sweet. Was looking at a Plantronics headset, but this might wind up being the way I go.

@John Mercado: That was seriously one of the best games of all time. They need to re-make that.

Come on, post the news but not a link to the show? Your torment me!

@Misfit7707: Thank you. You've taken the visions I was already having and made them that much more absurd, thereby replacing the horror with humor. Double star!