
@Arctic16: Same, but I made a custom male Shepard for my first ME playthrough, and imported him into ME2.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't any weapon built before 2000 qualify as a 20th century weapon? Including WWII weapons?

@TheMightyEthan: I was thinking the exact same thing. I almost hope the judge finds in favor of West and Zampella, just so they get any revenues from this "modern" game and Activision is forced to stop being so arrogant. That's part of the lawsuit, right?

@timzster: I was a little hesitant about Hemsworth as Thor, but seeing him in the costume, with the beard and everything, I think they made the right call.

So I've been reading a while, and just started commenting. Didn't realize the art was on a monthly rotation! Also didn't realize there'd be some tricks to commenting. Any tips for a noob that the FAQ doesn't cover? Like how to not have to login for every comment? Firefox is not remembering what it says it will

@veeerules: I'll third Braid. Played it on PC, so I don't know how the console version compares, but it's an incredible game. Flow was cool, but got to a point where I was like, "Is this all there is?" Maybe I was expecting more, based on the hype.

@Doktor Sleepless Hates Everything!: I love the Uncharted games, and the Ratchet and Clank games (just bought Crack in Time - great!), but otherwise I'm kind of in the same boat. I bought Heavy Rain and it was good, but kind of a one-time thing. Killzone...I don't think I'd agree that it's a love it/hate it kind of

@Exu: I was wondering how on earth you got the crane kick posed like that.

Some StarCraft II, but I'm going to focus on beating Splinter Cell and finally ranking up to Admiral in STO.

@AncientUnknown1: It really does seem like an ideal situation for top devs, doesn't it? I'm particularly drawn to the fact that it's Bungie the studio that gets the Activision deal, and not Jason Jones the individual. Nothing against Jones, I think he's a very talented guy. But this kind of deal recognizes that the

I really enjoy seeing something from the digital world turn into a physical product. TF2 seems like the ideal starting point for these Valve statues too, as the art style is simple enough not to get bogged down with detailing and potentially broken/bent pieces.

@Afrocass: That would depend on what you consider to be a failure, really. While I agree that the non-IW games haven't been as good, they're still enjoyable for a while. And they certainly sell well enough to recoup any development costs. Seems like that would be considered successful.

If the legal status of the "modern setting" is unclear (tied up in the lawsuit with West and Zampella), how can Activision continue to develop for it? Wouldn't this potentially risk further lawsuits and lost revenues? If the legal battle goes in favor of West and Zampella, they own the rights to not just the Modern

Isn't debt one of the leading causes of suicide, after loneliness? That's sure to have an effect on your health....

At the local school district, there are a bunch of iTouches that teachers can use in classrooms. We're looking at potentially using Dropbox as a content delivery system (via the iTunes app) for text, video, pretty much anything a teacher might want to share with multiple kids.

@Buster Friendly: Agreed. I work for a school district IT department, and there's no way we'd accept anything like those. We try to provide an across-the-board standard experience, and those are just too old to be worth the effort to get them close to that standard.