
Actually, it was Gulf & Western, Viacom’s forerunner, that bought Desilu in early 1967, which assigned the property to Paramount Pictures later in the year and it became Paramount Television.

DSC is not being cancelled. That’s rumor being spread by a nut with “inside sources” who never seems to be right.

CBS had nothing to do with TAS...

Mr. Hughes - Paramount has nothing to do with any of those projects you mentioned. Paramount does not own Star Trek, and hasn't since 2006, they are a licensee and are only involved with Star Trek motion picture projects. CBS is the owner of the franchise

People just aren’t getting the fact that until the two sides are instructed by the Court to stop, they are required to keep following the schedule and deadlines set by the Court, which includes filing Answers, Responses, and so forth even if settlement talks are going on. If either side misses a deadline or filing,

It’s very simple. Until such a time the case is officially settled, both sides must continue to abide by and follow the schedule set by the Court for filings, appearances, and so forth. Even if they are having discussions which of course we will not be privvy to, both Axanar and Paramount & CBS must follow procedure,

Ben - to clarify in short... When the big shakeup happened, what used to be Viacom for the most part became the new CBS. A new Viacom was formed, and Paramount Pictures was made part of it. However, Paramount Television was separated from Paramount Pictures and was made part of CBS. Along with that exchange, the TV

Minor error. Richard Datin is the one not in the picture. Datin is in this one. You can tell between the two who took the picture...