Star Vixen

I used to butt-dial all the time. The worst had to be when I was on my way to buy weed with some friends years ago. I accidentally called my mom. I was 19, so there wasn't anything she could do, but she called back and was like "I'm assuming you are not going to 'Detroit' for the scenery"?

@AtomicShockwave: ummmm.... I know that. I'm wondering why I can't start a game like oddball in Zealot and have people join me. Why does it have to be that we have to vote.... Like GOW - you can pick the map and the game and people end up joining you....

I'm surprised there was no mention of this....

Can someone explain to me why you can't pick the map you want to play in multiplayer... or can you? I hate getting stuck playing certain games on certain maps just because of 1 person's vote.

VOTE: Prezi

Actually this is great for me. For work I spend most of my time looking up information. With a little change of habit (using IE, instead of Mozilla) I'll rack up points in no time.

@MaNiFeX: I have a second cousin who is blind and works on computers. He amazes me every time I see him. He always knows who's around him by smell and sound -sometimes it's kind of freaky. You think you can get away with the occasional sneak-by-without-talking until he stops and says "Hi Kel"....

@EthanPeter: They want two sizes of the same photo.

@fozfan33: I need more help than that, lol....

@fozfan33: Ahhhhhh.... Disc Golf...... I totally suck at disc golf...... I spend more time look for my darned discs than throwing them.

@Eggyhead85: I know, right? Go ahead - run with it!

This is for a few of you...

@LetsTryThisAgain: what's the deal with Star Wars anyway? i watched it once. then i analyzed the movie plot, deduced that the rest of the movie would be flying bird-like ships at things to destroy them over and over and turned my tv off.

If online means watching porn while getting busy - than I guess I could understand.

@ssp004: I'm sure many of them do ;)

It's things like this that make me mad that I didn't think of it.

Looking at this makes my back hurt.

How did we as a society make it this far without this!

@Woozle Wozzle: Do you even know all the crap he's pulled? This man probably worked really hard to get where he is, but every time he doesn't win or doesn't get his way - he resorts to childish antics. I gave him a 2nd, 3rd, and even 4th look after his multitude of apologies from past outbursts. I like his music, but

I know the Team America references are probably getting tiresome, but I could NOT resist. I giggle every time I think about this part.