asymetrical analogue sticks... fuck this retarded shit.
asymetrical analogue sticks... fuck this retarded shit.
i dont care. i just showed you mgs1, the game made by hideo kojima and his crew, where solid snake holds his socom pointing up. mgs1 is the game that s available to everyone... twin snakes is a rare and pricey comodity that wasnt made by hideo and his crew that can be only played on the gc/wii.
excellent idea, start with yourself, my dear.
i think it is unfortunate how people treat games as somekind of disposble product. people are always so concerned about how many ours long it is, or if it has online mltiplayer. so many retarded modern gamers just sorta mindlessly play a game looking for the next guy to head shot, while not noticing all the shit…
did you now?
sweetie, according to your post, you are making shit up and it appears you havnt read anything have epressed. you have merely glosssed over things and have taken some phrases out of context. im not ong to other to correct any of you errors, because you will most likely fuck up reading that too and misunderstand it. …
down boy.
its like someone fell asleep on a casio.
videogames are not outlawed like marijuna. one is socially acceptable, the other isnt.
that is nit earthbound... its not even panzer dragoon sagas.
i know right? im pretty neat, aren't i?
im kinda like a star-destroyer... from star wars... but i go beyond just destroying stars.
and the "clockwork orange" icon is a character... his name is Alex DeLarge.
i could name some choice moments, but i dont wish to spoil anything.
i will. i wish my pain to be inflicted on others. and i want no one to escape it.
using sarcasm like a big boy. well done. give yourself a star.
why shouldnt i? i am in touch with humanity.
agreed. the average stupid gamer isnt used to seeing intricacies in games like the ones found in bio infinite. its always face value with these tards, and they just dont get subtext.
you dont need to be intellectual. just observant... unless you do go through life with you tougue hanging out of you mouth, shuffling your feet and wall-eyed and not paying attention to anything as you drag your knuckles across the floor.
all of these things should have been aparent to anyone who played with their eyes open and had some kind of situational awareness. are modern gamers this stupid i wonder?