A female is a Peahen.
A female is a Peahen.
“...it seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”
Ted Nugent is a guy who once bragged about shitting his pants to avoid serving his country. The fact conservatives embrace him is just another reason why their world view is irreconcilable with critical thinking.
this is awesome. I love this so much.
I know, right? He’s been doing Jon Stewart level work in dissecting Trump.
He’s doing better to pin her down than almost any actual newspeople.
He’s become one of my favorite late night people over the past year.
“That’s not true.”
Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?
i wish when i lied that i was able to believe myself as well as drumpf does when he lies.
I just feel actively bad all the time
Yeah, I’ve eaten at Comet Ping Pong many times and had intended to go eat there again to support it. I don’t think I can anymore, and I kind of think this is going to be it for the restaurant. It’ll go out of business pretty soon because of this.
This seems like such an odd thing for people to get their panties in a twist about. Between the Russians, voter suppression efforts, and Trump claiming the election was rigged I don’t see how taking a closer look at a couple of states can hurt, maybe it will help restore some confidence in our voting system. It’s…
they’re openly shitting on Deadspin, and it’s great
OK there is no way you guys aren’t shading the bro-chads over at Deadspin. And I agree with the shade. Few things more obnoxious than aloof white boys whose aloofness is courtesy of them having no skin in a game that could end with a white supremacist in the oval office.
Shade? Shade.
I want to feel bad about Melania but I can not.
This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk…