Kinda? In that Jack was asked to draw a design for the character but very little from that design made it in. Coming from a staunch Kirby partisan, Spidey is very much Lee/Ditko
Kinda? In that Jack was asked to draw a design for the character but very little from that design made it in. Coming from a staunch Kirby partisan, Spidey is very much Lee/Ditko
See also: Manhunter's costume.
Well, this isn't the dccu first off. Secondly have you seen the promos for this? Kara's costume is about as brightly colored as you get
Yes, and in the grand tradition of Walt Simonson his designs look amazing when he draws them…and rather dumb when anyone else tries
That's a pretty good summary of Red Tornado in general
Brubaker/Lark is indeed great, but they followed not proceeded Bendis. Bendis came on after Kevin Smith's overrated run.
So he wrote a comics run you didn't like therefore he is an asshole? That is the most annoying attitude anyone could hold. I also don't like that run, but Bendis seems like a pretty chill dude. He responds to criticism and is rarely dismissive of legitimate concerns about his work. He has a pretty great relationship…
Yeah, Scott is not the kind of filmmaker that will elevate a bad script to a great movie. If you give him a great script or a great premise to work with he will film the hell out of it but most of his movies are just really well shot fluff.
Yeah, she was very charming in that.
I don't think her ass has any influence on this movie sucking
Currently taking advantage of my marvel Unlimited subscription and re-reading some Bronze age Marvel stuff specifically Byrne's FF and Simonson's Thor. Man, I forgot just how great Simonson's Thor was, the pacing of his first year and a half on the book so so perfect. That first part of his run, from Beta Ray Bill to…
If i remember correctly Singer was planning to go full on Dark Phoenix Saga for his version of xmen 3 and I'm still upset we didn't get that
Yeah. The TV show writers seemed to have made that mistake as well as they write TV Barry as of he were Wally. It's not a bad thing as it makes for better TV..but I just wish he was Wally.
How about we make a movie where the FF actually go on adventure. Lets have them go to Space! Or the Negative Zone! Or have them travel to the Mole Kingdom! Or Atlantis! The FF are at their best when they're exploring, those comics are just filled with so many great images and ideas. Trapping them in these dumb stories…
Speaking of not holding up, when did you last watch X2? I would aslo rank Spiderman 2 above Superman 2, First Class, Batman Begins, and Unbreakable.
Being someone who has bought every issues of Amazing Spider-Man for the last 15 years I am in no one objective when it comes to this topic, but I do think the first two hold up. Particulary the second one, which remains one of my favorite super hero movies.
ASM is worse for me as well. It is probably actually better than 2 on a technical level, but ASM is just an inferior version of a movie that I had already seen. It was entirely redundant
I barely remember either of the 2000s movies but I do rememember liking the bits with the Silver Surfer and I thought Chris Evans was charming as the Torch (Chris Evans charming? Who'd a thunk?)
Thats actually a charming film. I mean, its crap but at least everyone involved is actually trying