
You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground. God forbid they let Baron finish the school year at his current location. but I’m sure you know absolutely nothing about being a good parent.

How about you just leave the country for the next eight years if all you’re going to do is complain.

You wish. Get over it snowflake princess. You and your band of screaming queens lost. It’s time for REAL American to take our country back.

That’s your opinion. I think they’re are trying way too hard and cramming it down our throats.

You are absolutely hilarious! Not really. You sound pathetic and weak.

Considering both sears and Kmart are both closing their doors all over the country is this really news or just another feeble attempt to discredit this wonderful and classy women?

You people are absolutely pathetic. How about minding your own business and worry about how your husband or wife look at YOU when you’re not watching.

If Wells Fargo decided to promote BLM by issuing the mentioned card I would be creating my KKK debit card.

I will be opening up an account at Wells Fargo. No one wants to bank with an institution that supports violence and hate. Great job Wells Fargo!

This article is a joke. Madeleine Davies can go suck a big black dick. Oh, she would probably love that.